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Hi there,I know that a lot of bagless vacuums are sold as quot;Cyclonicquot;, but I remember hearing somewhere that only Dysons actually remove all the dirt from the air by cyclonic action, whilst the rest also rely on filters. Is it true that other companies can not (due to patents, etc.) make vacuum cleaners that work in exactly the same way as a dyson, or is it just an urban myth created by clever marketing on the part of dyson?If anyone (in the UK) has a vacuum they think is comparable to a dyson, I'd love to hear about it, cheers.
Dyson vacuum are terribly overpriced and not nearly as good as their ads state. Besides, when you go to empty that tank you better have the entire machine outside or you'll have dust all over the house. Consumer reports rates vacuums every so often. Their latest top rated machine is the BOSS by Eureka.
I've tried various vacuums through the years but none seem to do well on the edges of the carpet. Anyone tried a really good one for that?
We have got to find this out and let the world know, I thought I was the only one that had dirty edges. (Not being a smart @ss)
I am going through the same thing. I hate my bagless. My sister just bought an orek and she loves it. They are pretty expensive so she found a lightly used one on OKorder and it works great. It's really quiet and light. She has a two year old that was pretrified by vacuums but this one is so quiet, she doesn't mind it.
My dog sheds very very bad. The vacuum cleaner I have does a terrible job. If course I would like to have the best for the lowest price. I know Dyson has their pet versions of all of the vacuum cleaners but I am trying to avoid spending $500-$600. Any Ideas?
the okorder . the suction power is great. and it's amazing how much stuff the things pulls out of the carpet every week. ew! but they're worth the money imo. mine is a year and a half old and still going strong (which, believe it or not, is a personal record).
I have the Miele now, and see that Kenmore was top rated by Consumer Reports.
Have used Kenmore for years, also based on C/R ratings. Mine is a cannister; works well on dog fur. As I recall, Miele's biggest problem was initial cost, so if it's working ok, stick with it, but if you NEED to replace it, go with Kenmore. (My sister-in-law, whose kids have asthma, also swears by Kenmore.)
when you turn it on the brush should spin when you vacuum but it doesnt and when i pick the vacuum up it starts spinning..?
Seems to me you should try to take the bottom off of the vacuum and see what is stuck. Maybe something wrapped around the motor. more than likely it's the beater brush that's stuck. Lift it out and take the ends off. They usually screw off like opening a jar. and clean underneath those pieces you just took off. The fact the the belts keep breaking is telling me that the MOTOR is running, that's what's breaking the belt. the belt is stuck because the brush is stuck, the motor however is turning thiis Still brush till the belt brakes. good luck to ya.
Your Open QuestionShow me another ? Professional House Cleaners only Please answer question about Commercial Vacuum cleaners?I have a house cleaning business, we clean 2 homes a day and after buying 14 vacuum cleaners in the past 2 years I am done with spending money on vacuums that don't hold up or are 2 heavy or have so many filters to clean that you spend your evenings doing that. Does anyone have any suggestions on what vacuum we should buy? Just like you the house's we clean have an array of flooring, wood, tile, oriental rugs, carpet.Please help with your experience Thanks!!
I have had the same issues time and time again, either too heavy, won't fit under furniture, hoses tear, too may filters and like you tired of replacing them. I purchased a Dyson about a year ago and it has not lost suction yet. I use it everyday it only needs one filter and I wash it out as directed which is perfect for me. The extension pole on it is great too for getting dusty spots and spiderwebs. I comes with a lot of different attachments so i can manage multiple surfaces. I will never buy another vacuum brand.
I just bought a new carpet for our living room its so nice and very comfy my 1yr old kid loves to lie down on it and now my problem is what's the best vacuum cleaners we should use? Were looking for the best one price doesn't matter since our kid loves to play there we should find something to clean it up so he wont develop any allergies. Thanks!
Dyson.. From my experience, they are the absolute best for vacuuming large areas. But if you don't mind taking a litter longer, the shop-vacs are awesome too.. it's just takes more time because the extensions that come with the shop-vac are meant for smaller areas. I have two dogs that shed constantly and we've been doing a lot of remodeling, so i have to vacuum A LOT. and I own 5 different vacuums, and they're all great for different things, but the dyson and shop-vac are the best.