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i am experimenting with prototype wind turbines and want to record how much power one creates over a period of time
Depends on the type of power or energy. Assuming electrical energy You want to measure energy not power, as power is a rate of energy production. Easiest is to get a watt-meter, but it has to be sized for your voltage and type of output (AC or DC), and you also need a load resistor (or resistor bank if the output is high). The watt-meter, which is actually a watt-hour meter, multiplies voltage by current to get power in watts, and multiplies that by time to get energy. There are other ways, such as thermal, but that only works short term. So you need a watt meter plus a load resistor (or active load), both sized for your wind turbine. So first thing is to determine your voltage and max current output, then size the watt-meter and the load.
If you had a Special Power, what would it be and why???
I had and have a special power given by God which I myself came to know only after 32 long years. Because of this power I was facing all sorts of obstacles in all the ways since childhood without knowing the reason. After knowing the truth I was surrounded by evil spirits. Now my life is a torture. As I am living in another country now the torture is under control.
I had a small stroke and my sister I beleave has some how claim control of my part of my inheritance and she send me $500 a month from a bank and I did not sign papers for this to be done.
The only way she can be doing this legally is if she has a Guardianship over you or she is administering a trust set up for your benefit with her as the trustee. Regardless, you need to seek legal counsel to 1) determine if she is doing this legally and if so 2) to either set aside the guardianship or appoint a new trustee if you wish. Best wishes.
I am doing a project for econ where I have to interview a bank. The thing is I don't know what to ask. Please help
Do you want positive Questions or Negative questions? Example-- Pos: When was your bank first established and who started it? -How many customers do you have? -How many assets do you manage? (Value of accounts, Value of loans, Value of investments) -What kind of technology do you employ to power your bank -How many employees do you have -How would a person best start a career at your bank -Do you like what you do? What is the average day like of a (teller, bank manager, loan officer, etc) Neg: Did your bank take a bailout and why? -Why do you use other people's money for making more money, but then charge them to use their own money if they don't have enough to meet requirements. Example: I loan the bank $500 in the form of a savings acount, they charge me $10 a month because I didn't loan them $1500) Edit: I think you should re-ask this question and say: If you could ask a bank 1 question, what would it be. Then in your description explain the types of questions you are looking for. A list of 10 is a lot of ask in a questionbut if you got 10 answers, you'd have 10 questions.
A power plant it located on the bank of a river that is .5 miles wide. Wiring is to be laid across the river and then along the shore to a substation 8 miles downstream. It costs $12,000 per mile for underwater wiring adn $8,000 per mile for wiring on land. If $72,000 is to be spent on the project, how far from the substation should the wiring come to shore?
This one is challenging because of the tricky wording. You have to do most of the problem before you can truly understand the last sentence. First, let's compute the least amount of money we can spend 1) Go straight across the river -- 0.5 miles * $12k / mile $6,000. 2) Go directly down the shore -- 8 miles * $8k / mile $64,000. 3) Add them together for a minimum cost of $70,000 ($6+$64). Now, you have $72k to spend, but you only need $70k to go straight over and down. The words how far from the substation should the wiring come to shore? must mean the company would like to run the wiring UNDERWATER for part of the 8 miles. So, how much can you run wiring underwater for the extra $2k we have to spend? If it costs $12k per mile $2k * 1mile/12k 1/6 mile extra So, $2k will get you an extra 1/6 mile downstream underwater. Or, stated another way, the wiring should come to shore 7 and 5/6 miles from the substation. 8 - 1/6 7 5/6.
0.65HP LG Aircon model LA060R power input535 watt5 solar panel each connected in parallel 18v/8A is this enough?charge controller of 30Amps8 hours of daylight at 18v/40Ah 8 pcs 100Ah battery bank 800Ahwhat should be my minimum power inverter rating (watts)do i need a modified sinewave or pure sinewave power inverteris the system enough to power the aircon1. solar system charging the battery and running the aircon in 7hrs2. using battery and inverter in 8hrs3. will the battery be charged enough.
535W x 7 hours 3745 watt hours (or 3.745kWh) a day 3745wh / 6 sun hours (amount of time total the panels will output their full rated potential. 6 is possible in the middle of summer depending on where you are) 624W / .67 (system losses) 931 Watts of panels needed. five 200W panels would do it. 3745wh / .9 (inverter inefficiencies) x 2 (never use more than half the power in a battery bank) / 24V battery bank 346 amp hour 24V battery bank. eight 100ah 12V batteries would do it, 2 in series to make 24V, 4 parallel strings of them for 400aH. 931W / 24V 38.79A from solar array x 1.25 safety factor 50A minimum solar charge controller 535W air conditioner, but what is the surge when it turns on? That is the number you need to make sure your inverter can handle.
can a public notary do it? or it has to be with a lawyerprice for the document? what is a power attorney?
A power of attorney is a document that legally authorizes another person to act on your behalf. If you're doing a simple power of attorney, you can get a do-it-yourself form at an office supply store.
During the Italian renaissance what was the nature of power? Key people are the medici family, banks, and the republic of florence. How did these topics tie together to help them gain power.
The consolidation of vast resources with capitalism lead to power and influence, in which families like the Medici, Borgias, e Sforzas came to have power.