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I want to buy a yogurt machine in the school dormitory, but the school uses high power appliances and heating type electrical appliances to power off ~!Can I use the yogurt machine?Well, clean up, there will be peculiar smell ~ afraid dormitory roommate complaints ~!
Our school is big power will be off, I have a little bear yogurt machine at home is 20 watts, if you buy 0.5L is 15 watts, but our school or do not dare to use, but also to do yogurt in the fridge to chill so well.Be forced not to be in school.Cleaning is very good to clean up. It won't taste strange.So.In fact, the most important thing I still think is the refrigerator.No, ice really isn't good.Buy one and use it at home.
Why can't my yogurt machine make yogurt?
1., bacteria problems, if you use yogurt blending, then there must be a problem, the activity is poor, must use yogurt baking powder, but also a sufficient quantity
How do you make yogurt with a full automatic yoghurt machine?
Very simple, there are bacteria powder, milk directly to two bags plus half a pack of bacteria powder when yogurt container, stirring evenly on the back cover of the inner cover, the yogurt machine electric plug, 8 hours can be
I would like to do natto myself, I wonder if I can use rice cooker or yogurt machine for fermentation. With these two things made, specific how to operate, look at the master pointing. Rice cooker or yogurt machine has 40 degrees of thermal insulation?
8. Put it in the yogurt machine and heat for about 20~24 hours.9. Put natto in a clean glass bottle top and cover it in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours before eating. When eating to scoop out with a clean spoon, and then cover the lid for two weeks, no problem.
Yogurt machine generally need how much money, different price difference?
The yogurt made from different yogurt machines makes no difference in taste.
There is a yogurt machine at home, and every time I make yogurt, I buy the milk powder in the milk farm. I bought the milk of the hard packed small bag of Mengniu yesterday
DrinkableBut is it better to make yogurt, or do you have that raw milk without processing or additives?Yogurt acidity should not be too large or large amount of drinking, especially cool yogurt, will cause gastrointestinal disorders
Common problems of yoghurt machine
Under what circumstances is it difficult to make yogurt?1, too much milk residual antibiotic, can inhibit bacteria breeding.2, the milk is not fresh or bought improperly after storage, so as to breed miscellaneous bacteria, interfere with the normal fermentation of yogurt.3, the fermentation time is too short.Yogurt fermentation time is too long will it be bad?Long fermentation time will cause whey separation, and even the formation of a honeycomb, although there is no bad smell, but less of a scent, taste is bad, if the color appears orange or foaming phenomenon or odor, said spoils can not eat.
How does yogurt machine make yoghurt?
Main ingredients: yogurt bacteria 1 packs, pure milk 5 boxes.practice1. Prepare pure milk and bacteria.2. Boil the container with boiling water for about 1 minutes, mainly for sterilization