Stainless Steel Doors

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Why the American house does not install anti-theft network and security door?
Developed countries, family property will generally be insured, any person into the private territory is illegal, usually there will be monitoring the time to record the image, the state system so do not have to install security doors, security windows and the like --- -
My home security door in the delivery of the day to inform the property to fill the paint, the results of the property owner said it would give us the owners for the door, then did not think so much, first began to renovate, and later heard that the floor tile paste can not change The door, and this will be a shadow of the film than the steep stagnation of the town of Taiwan, there are such a thing? More
Tiles can be changed for the door. The property that the brick is not good for the door is the meaning of the tiling of the workers and do the wall of the wall of the workers are in accordance with the size of your old door decoration. But also the wall paint and floor tiles all with your old door for the intersection. If you change the new door, it will destroy the door and the wall, the ground, the intersection of the decorative surface. If you must change the new door for the new door. Can only be destroyed before the ground floor tiles and wall paint and the old door intersection that little bit of decorative surface, not a large area of the broken wall of the ground decoration. And then wait for the new door installed and then back to the original.
Security door
Anti-theft door is very famous but very strong but the main that the lock is also a good kind
The construction unit filled with wood, part of the plastic bags, cement bags only fill the `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` ?More
Plus steel wire mesh plastering treatment, it is best to implant steel and cast concrete and then plastering
On the financial room to increase the anti-theft door how to write?
On the financial room to increase the security door of the request XX leadership: the financial room is the deposit of important notes and financial documents and archives of the important departments, there is no security door, according to the tax office FA ticket management requirements should increase the anti-theft barrier and security door, out of The protection of the company's assets, the special application for the installation of security doors. Please, please, please advise .XXX Department of the date
What is the quota of the security door?
4-145 safety door installation sub-head, security doors are generally anti-theft door. The security door is called "security door". It combines both anti-theft and safe performance. In accordance with the "anti-theft security door general technical conditions" provides that qualified security door in 15 minutes using chisels, screwdrivers, crowbars and other ordinary hand tools and hand drill and other portable power tools can not pry open or in the door to open a 615 square millimeters Open, or open a 38 mm square opening in the semicircle with a locking point of 150 square millimeters. And anti-theft door on the use of the lock must be detected by the Ministry of Public Security testing with anti-drilling function of the anti-theft door dedicated lock. Anti-theft doors can be made of different materials, but only to achieve the standard test qualified, to receive security products to ensure that the door can be called security door.
Newly renovated house, anti-theft door is open overlooking the mouth of the child to pay Yin Yi agent, lived a few months, and found the door is really very convenient to open, want to be replaced, it will not hurt Inside the door sets ah? More
Not recommended for a threshold, and against the overturned proprietor of iodine to send Yan agent tower winter direction, it will be ugly. For the general about 200 pieces. I'd rather change the door
General anti-theft door hole size 2100 * 1000, the net size of the door is how much
Various manufacturers of different standards, but 2070 * 960,2050 * 950 of these two kinds of more