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i sure as hell do! THE SHIELD ARE FACES NOW!!!
Do not make the mistake of thinking that body armor (regardless of how much you pay for it) will have any real effect should you get into a wreck on your motorcycle. It might help a bit if you drop the bike at low speed (and beats not having anything - you see a lot of people riding around in a pair of jeans, tennis shoes and a t-shirt) - I almost always wear a leather jacket, even when it is warmer out, and a pair of gloves. But the fact is - if you are moving along at a good clip and you hit a car, get hit by a car, or if you hit any other immovable object, 'body armor' ain't gonna help much. The best bet is to be careful - like most of the manuals tell you, just pretend you are invisible to other traffic (although I take it a step further and pretend like everyone is actively trying to kill me - it's not far from the truth). It keeps you from being surprised when someone comes across three lanes of traffic and stands up on the their brakes directly in front of you. Keep in mind that you can stop much faster than any car - so even though you might be able to stop in time, the car behind you is going to eat your lunch. It's dangerous - but it's also a blast!! Be careful!!
I live in a residential area but no speed sign is posted so idiots seriously make their own speed limit up.I have thought of everything from spray painting the speed limit in the street to throwing a 2x4 in the street, to rolling a trash can at the cars driving by.. but I do.t want to get into trouble:)
Detroit burbs Water 40/mnth heat 170/mnth
I can't get my printer to work right. When I click on print, the paper goes in, but very crooked. The right corner goes in far, then the left, so the things I want printed, are diagonal on the paper instead of straight across. How do I fix it.
No It's natures way of punishing the stupid for not using protection or common sense.
My fire alarm is hooked up so that when it goes off, it dials into some emergency thing where the fire department shows up I was wondering if there's some way I can modify my fire alarm to where it keeps calling the fire department constantly I have no friends and fire fighters seem cool so they'd always be over at my house if my alarm kept constantly calling them. Any ideas how to make this work?
1. For this question you are just moving north and south. you can solve it in two ways. The easiest is to take a piece of graph paper and put a dot at the intersection of two lines. That dot will represent your starting point. Let each square 1 km. Just follow directions in the problem. You should end up at 2 km south. The other way is to label the numbers with a positive or negative sign. Let anything south be negative and anything north be positive. So you would get -4 +2 -5 + 5 just add those numbers. You should get -2. OK? 2. Speed is distance divided by time 3. The time you stopped doesn't matter. The AVERAGE speed will be distance / time 100 / 10 4.. At first glance it doesn't look like any of the choices are an answer. However, anything moving in a circular motion, even at constant speed is considered to be undergoing acceleration. 5. D 6. D.
I am sorry if this is a stupid question.Tein s-tech lowering springs Can those spring simply just be taken off? I am interested in a vehicle at the dealership, but do not want the WRX quite that low. Speed bumps at my new condo.
most likely be your shock/strut. Simple repair at a shop, if you provide parts it should be at around 2-3 hours of labor.
my fire alarm is hard wired soo its electric.i mean i didnt just say it..i pushed the butten in the middle and it starrted beeping.then like 30 seconds later it said.traces or carbon have been foundi did it again and it said the sameit is just a test to make sure it working or was it real????????i called my friend (since her dads a firemen) and asked him he said its probole ok but is there any way you can tell if there is any in the house???
Remember that an infra red image is a false colour image because you can't see infra red. What colour it appears depends on the imaging system used. Most night goggles give a green image; the more IR an object reflects or emits the lighter green it appears. Very bright objects, such as a very hot object, appear almost white. Infra red satellite weather pictures taken at night are black and white. The whiter the cloud, the colder and therefore higher altitude is the upper surface the satellite is viewing. My digital camera shows the IR flash of a TV remote as white. The CCD in a digital camera is sensitive to near infra red as well as visible. When artificial retinas are transplanted into blind people, chances are they'll be similar to today's CCDs, so these people will be able to see in the dark. Have you ever noticed that TV footage of a fire often shows the flames as pink or crimson like red fireworks? That's because the camera can see near IR as well as red, and interprets it as red, but if you were there, since you can't see heat radiation, the flames would appear the usual orange or yellow.
My car is a vw polo 6n, I didn't drive over the speed bump very fast but my cd player stopped working suddenly. When I got home I realised my central locking dosnt work either! What's happened???
its very hard to get that done its mainly up to the town/city you live and in some cases speed bumps doesn't work it can even make it more dangerous
Do you think tyson chicken is running their business ethically?
It came from older trends. Plus they are cool. And they can be used as an easy way to self-harm. I always have safety pins on me. I even have a shirt has safety pins ALL THE WAY around the collar. I love it. Plus, whenever someone needs a safety pin, I always have them in supply.