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how can i stop my Nissan Maxima from rattling over speed bumps and bumps, its an 07.?
Depends on which fittings, but the big S shaped pipe for the drain can be tighted with two pairs of medium sized Channel locks the small nuts on the water supply valve can be tightened using a 6 Adjustable wrench.
Hi, I'm donating my hair to Locks of Love on Friday. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited but I'm also really nervous. Does anyone have any tips for parting? I know this may sound really weird but I'm really scared I'm going to look bad with my hair cut. Does anyone have any tips or hairstyles? I am Four foot eight (I know i'm short) and my hair goes down to my waist and will be cut at my shoulders. Do you have any hair styles? I know I kinda packed alot of questions in here, so sorry, but thanks.
Yet another example of some idiot in India trying to game the system and doing a piss poor job of it!
When I was little it was mittens. My mom even safety pinned them to my coat sleeves so I wouldn't lose them in the cloakroom.When I got older I started wearing gloves and have pretty much worn them ever since. I try to avoid losing them by stuffing them in my pockets when I come indoors.But mittens have a special value in keeping your fingers warm by keeping them in contact with each other. So which would you recommend? Gloves or mittens? And should I keep the safety pins handy?
Just read the specs for the smoke detector you are looking at to determine if it is impervious to high humidity. If it doesn't say, then don't buy it.
I have 15 wheels, 33x12.5 tires. I am not understanding how the chain sizing works..sizings seem to be listed like this 195R14, P215/65R14, P255/60R14, P195/70R15, P215/60R15, P205/50R17, P205/70R14, P215/70R14, P255/70R14, P205/60R15, P205/55R16, P205/75R14, P225/60R14, 185R15, P205/65R15, P205/60R16.How do my measurements translate into one of those? :)THanks!
The Allies spent a lot of time and ingenuity creating this illusion. They used fake tanks and trucks, false radio traffic, the German agents they had turned and several other subterfuges to create the impression of a concentration of troops around Dover, opposite Calais. They also created a fictitious army in Scotland, for the purpose of creating an illusion of an invasion of Norway. On the night of the invasion 617 Squadron (the Dambusters) flew precision patterns over the Channel dropping window (radar reflective material) to create the impression of an invasion fleet heading toward Calais. The tricks were successful. For a couple of days reserves were held back from Normandy because the Germans were afraid that the real invasion would be around the Pas de Calais.
Hi, my Saxo has givin up the will to live and im scrapping it as its not worth getting it fixed. It had an aftermarket alarm and central locking fitted by previous owner and my new car doesn't have either, so i would like to remove, then fit the alarm onto my new car. but i don't know how.
REALLY. It may be 40-50's but you are playing in SNOW. The snow will get wet and soak thru his clothes and he will be FREEZING then you idiot. Going out real quick like a trip to the car, going into a resturaunt etc is fine in the weather. But being outside all day. You do realise that it is almist Always windy in the Mountains right. WHY wass he allowed to take his coat and gloves off in these conditions? Was anyone watching him? And he was already COLD once when you wnet out, why would you keep him outside to enjoy the weather You are being very selfish as if you won't let this kid (weather he is your bio son or step son to be) ruin this trip for you. Adults can handle a LOT more than kids.
We're tired of the big thick heavy ones that are hard to lift when changing the sheets and blankets. Are foam rubber mattresses any good?
if a lot of folks ride bicycles, bike accessories such as reflective strips for nighttime riding lobster gloves for cold, windy days air pump air pressure reader (for cars too) water bottle eco friendly snacks such as a tub of miso for instant hot broth nuts hot wasabi-flavored peas tabasco sauce beer hummus kit: garbanzo, tahini, lemon get outside stuff such as frisby (with hand-painted decoration?) ball sewn from and stuffed with recycled materials/clothing OR stay-inside dart board (maybe humorous handmade board, purchased darts?) door hanger for garage or house, with a humorous phrase twisted/created from discarded wire (copper wire from old electrical devices or wire from old coat hangers, etc)
We have an electric smoke detector, and it started beeping todaywhat does that mean?It has done it before and stopped on its own, its not like we can change the batteries, its electricWhat could be making it beep?
I have long thick hair as well. I know every person is different, but I find straightening my hair actually helps A LOT with frizz! I still stay away from blow drying though. You just have to be careful with how you do it. Make sure the straightener is ceramic, and not metal. And buy a heat protector product. Another little hint - dryer sheets! Just as they take the static out of your clothes, they take it out of your hair. I know it sounds silly, but I swear it helps. just run it over your hair a bit at the end of styling it.
They fired him for attendance. They have a point system they use and sent a copy today of the attendance policy, his absences, and the facebook post they want to use against him. My question isCan they really use the facebook post? His attendance shouldn't have gotten him fired because he was a few points lower than what they can fire you for. This post was nothing serious and nothing most of the people that work there haven't said. It said I don't want to go to work today! I wish they would lay me off then I would sit around the house with the wife and kids and just go to school! That would be wonderful. Can they really use this against him?? If you can help me out or give me some websites that discuss the law about social networks in law suits. I am trying to research but am not coming up with much help. Thank you!
She may need to get her teeth floated. If she has sharp teeth, putting a bit in her mouth would definitely irritate her. But if this is not what is wrong i would put her in a stall for a few hours every other day with a bit in her mouth to make her get used to it.