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How to prevent the explosion of natural gas at home
Notes on the use of natural gas:1, the use of gas in the place why must maintain good ventilation?The use of gas (natural gas, artificial gas, liquefied petroleum gas) stove and water heater must maintain good ventilation place, this is because the gas combustion consumes the oxygen in the air to the combustion flue gas containing carbon dioxide produced at the same time, and a small amount of carbon monoxide, such as 1m3 natural gas combustion to the oxygen consumption of 10m3 in the air. At the same time 2m3 1m3 to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. If the indoor ventilation, while the oxygen content in indoor air gradually reduced, the lack of oxygen will cause incomplete combustion and incomplete combustion will produce carbon monoxide, will cause poisoning, hypoxia and suffocation. Therefore the use of gas in place to maintain good ventilation the fresh air, timely supplement, and will smoke at any time to the outside row, which can prevent suffocation or carbon monoxide poisoning accidents, protect the family of Quan Hejian Kang.
Will the gas tank explode for a long time?For a long time without the circumstances
Will not explode to see how you store. We usually use the gas tank, close the valve, placed in the dark is not directly to the sun, it is very safe,
What is the density of natural gas
Natural gasNatural gas refers to the animal and plant body by biological and chemical and geological change, generation and transfer in different conditions, and under certain pressure of the reservoir, burial quality of combustible gases in different depth in the stratum. The main ingredient is saturated hydrocarbons, including methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane content is not much, also contains a small amount of non hydrocarbon gases, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, water vapour and trace inert gas such as helium and argon.
Liquefied petroleum gas cylinder in the home after the valve has been a big fire, gas stove by adjusting the basic do not work, so I want to adjust the pressure relief valve, but I have a half twist counterclockwise, little effect. Do not dare to twist, special to help the general number of twists and turns to see how the effect?
Gas stove valve pressure basically has two kinds:1, the factory when the general factory direct adjustment. This cannot be adjusted. This valve is relatively safe. The price is high, the quality is better. 2, can be adjusted, the pressure gauge is a valve can be reversed, direct pressure regulation can be around. Home is generally medium pressure, it is best not to tune. The hotel is a high-pressure valve can be adjusted.
How to use the gas to burn the pot is very black how to solve it
The reason why the gas stove burns the torch pot is black:1, the stove stove head with carbon steel brush clean, need to find.2, is due to the long time no use, there are holes in the spider web block, you can take the stove under the pin, with small things through the spray hole, take out foreign body. The stove is installed after the name of a screwdriver, tapping the stove, is carbon fly, blue flame can be.
My family is several times a month, ah, I only two people.
Your home is not a general, our four large and small, electricity is 300 yuan for two months or so, the air conditioning is not the peak, if the summer is 600 dollars for two months, two months of 100 water, gas pipeline is also used, cooking and bathing, a month is probably around 80, in addition my home soup is electric home appliances are not many, two Taiwan two, two Taiwan computer, washing machine, refrigerator air conditioning on each one, we opened the room more
Slogan for preventing gas poisoning
4 more ventilation, ventilation, concerted efforts to prevent gas5 stealth killer carefully gas poisoning6 gas poisoning wins your happiness7 manage your gas to protect your health8 not a gas prevention9 to prevent gas poisoning, life is higher than all!
Which gas pipes are not allowed to be buried?
In the event of a gas leak, it may be introduced from the low peak duty room and other places, it is difficult to be detected, easy to cause poisoning accidents