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Can the cement do not dry?
Yes, as long as the cement surface to ensure the smoothness of the surface roughness and verticality can be directly sprayed.
Can cement board be tiled?
Kitchen flue is made of cement board if the wall is not hard to use the red brick and then posted again
I have a small bathroom approximately 4'x8' and I laid down and screwed in cement backer board. However, in my attention to detail I neglected to put down thin-set mortar underneath prior to screwing and taping down the board. I tried to pull the cement board up but I cant get under the tape that I mortared down to get to the screws. Am I in trouble here or can I go ahead and skip that and continue to tile? Please help...
skip it continue on
What are the differences between the gypsum board and the cement pressure plate and the Eide board?
Cement pressure plate is based on natural fibers and cement as raw material, by the pulp, forming, cutting, pressing Steamed into a new type of building plate. With light, high strength, waterproof, anti-corrosion, fire, large format, good processing, improve construction efficiency and so on. Mainly used for internal and external walls, pouring walls, composite panel wall panels, fire door lining, external wall insulation panels.
the cement boards are ahold by 1 nails
those are probably asbestos! caulk the damages with acrylic latex and paint.
how do those karate guys break cement and wood pieces by jsut like one hit, why doesnt it hurtthem or break there hands and feet?dont gimme a BS answer,im lookin for an actual reasonable explanation
Not to sound rude, but with proper technique... you hit them really hard... i have broke my middle knuckle on my right hand 5 or 6 times from punching 3 or 4 boards... 1 brick is about the equivilant of 2 boards... spacers (pencils used to seperate multible boards) make it very easy to break and obsurd amount of either... some people don't use them, but most do to put on a better show for the unknowing general public.... there is no short secret, no mystical power you train and you get better... and you break more bricks or boards with a variety of techniques.... it's really high up there on the cool factor, but also may give someone a false since of security if they have never tried to hit someone (or been hit) with that kind of power.... in actual live sparring...
I need to cut a curved piece of cement board. Will it work to score it with a utility knife, then break it? Thanks.
Yes it cuts just like drywall, scrore then snap.Score a bit deeper though.
I'm laying slate tile over linoleum that was installed about 6 months ago....the linoleum is in very good condition, very smooth with no rips or lifting. I've done some research and figured I could put down cement board and then lay the tile on that. The floor under the linoleum is cement. Is there a special drill/special screw necessary to attach the cement board to the cement foundation?
You will have to scrape off the linoleum cover and the adhesive as well which was used for laying the linoleum sheet in order to ensure that the laying of slate tiles however laid gets a bonding with the original floor without which the money you spend to get the best value of it will never be guaranteed.