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Building glass curtain wall energy-saving projects using the material re-inspection requirements
Curtain wall energy-saving projects in addition to the general requirements of the curtain wall for re-inspection of the material, but also should increase the performance of the following materials for re-inspection: thermal insulation material thermal conductivity, density; curtain wall glass visible light transmittance, heat transfer coefficient, Insulating glass dew point; insulation profiles of the tensile strength, shear strength.
I want to build a small soundproof glass room in my living room, since i have another family member moving in and it will be hard to talk over the phone at night and listen to music, since I already share my room. I picture it as big as a phone booth but just longer some how so I can lay in it and just talk on the phone or use my laptop. I have no idea what company I should search for to build a glass soundproof room that small. or maybe it can be about 10 feet by 5 feet. No matter if its sliding door or not. Any info would help me. Thanks Even personal stories on other kinds of soundproofing that works thats affordable.
Build A Soundproof Room
Is there a way to reduce the noise
With the continuous development of society, noise pollution problems are more and more serious, especially in the city of traffic noise constantly plagued the general public, here mainly to introduce some of the static noise glass knowledge for everyone to share!
Like one big glass enclosement over a farm. It would allow light through, stop excessive rain and bugs from destroying food. They can control the amount of water the plants get. They would save millions
You have a very narrow scope in thinking about this issue. It wouldn't save millions. The construction of a giant glass dome over a farm would cost a lot in itself. On top of that, consider the maintenance- the glass would need cleaning and would need to be scraped of debris and dead bugs and such over time, like a windshield. Plus the irrigation and sprinkler system that would need to be in place to regulate the watering of the crops would be expensive as well. The heat would be stifling. It would change the very climate within the dome. Climate is very important to the growing of crops. You can't just change the climate of an area and expect the crops to grow better. Just think of how hot it gets when you shut off the car and sit in there for 10 minutes while the heat builds. Who can work under those conditions? Or do you mean to spend money on an elaborate fans system too?
Frosted glass film can not be attached to the wall
1. frosted glass film for the architectural glass wall add luster, so that the appearance of the building more beautiful. 2. Scrub glass film auxiliary interior design, beautify the office partition. 3. Scrub glass film to provide special labeling services, custom customer icon / mark. 4. Matte glass film to create a private, free private space. 5. Matte glass film rich color, style transformation flexibility, creative simple to achieve, compared to the traditional carved pattern glass, more beautiful, more clear. 6. Frosted glass film to reduce visual interference, but also make full use of light, for the office partition, restaurants and stores an excellent choice. 7. frosted glass film to reduce glare glare, frosted film to reduce visual fatigue, protect eyesight, improve the work environment of the building.
I do building glass exports, do not know how to find customers, do architectural glass, the target customers should be what? I am talking about the target customer! Trouble
It is not you to find me, I have a glass of customers, four years ago to do this product, do more than three years of architectural glass, the hands of customers, that is, nearly three or four years did not contact, huh, huh.
Is the glass shading coefficient the shading coefficient?
No. The shading coefficient on the 2680-1994 can be understood as "the shading coefficient of the glass", and the so-called shading coefficient is divided into "integrated shading coefficient", "shading coefficient of glass" and "shading coefficient of outer shading measures", the first Equal to the last two products.
Who knows the manufacturer of architectural glass film ah
I have heard that someone has to do, but as far as I know is to buy abroad has been completely out of the equipment to produce, and the original equipment is the production of the lowest file of the kind of equipment in the country can only find agents. Proud of the shield of the membrane should be good