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Yogurt can not cook porridge
No, because his temperature is only about forty degrees. I can't open the pan
Yogurt machine plugged in power, the indicator does not light what is the matter?
Or yogurt, after adding sugar, honey or bifidus factors or canned fruit, personalized yogurt you choose, you can make!You choose 100% pure, ultra high temperature, no good milk, Kang brand yogurt machine,Yikang LABS yogurt starter making yogurt, you can see with you, knowCompare all the yogurt, whether it's a domestic brand or a world brand, through your personal experience,Verify the authenticity of our publicity, and verify the quality of DIY yogurt unparalleled, verify the price of milk yogurt!
Yogurt machine has been inserted for five hours of electricity, why not hot, is not bad?
If B-12 hours or not, that is, the temperature sensor is broken, the need to replace the temperature sensor, it is best to go to the special repair point to replace.Note that the new machine is usually the first case, waiting for hours to know what's wrong with it.
How do you make yogurt with a blender?
Practice: 1 yogurt machine additional water for 1 minutes disinfection tank.2. pour the pure milk 1000ml into the inner container of the yogurt machine.3., add nucleolus, yogurt fungus powder 1g, fully stir evenly.4. yogurt machine plug in power, work for 6-8 hours, see the yogurt is solidified like.5., you can put the refrigerator after 24 hours, the flavor is better, you can personally like to add jam, sugar and other spices.
Can milk machine snj530 be used for bird's nest?
Then put the bird's nest in the stew. The stew can be served in a regular pan. General stewpan almost more than and 100. Good luck, you can also communicate with friends.
Yogurt machine fermented yogurt for ten hours, has not become yogurt
Looks very good and very uniform, calculated, 20 hours a day, how can it be heard for a long time can not drink, but no way, more than a dozen hours have not become yogurt, when the first two do seem to be more than and 10 hours on it,
There is a yogurt machine at home, and every time I make yogurt, I buy the milk powder in the milk farm. I bought the milk of the hard packed small bag of Mengniu yesterday
This is due to a series of processing and additive reasons for bagged milkNo harm
That kind of yogurt can be made automatically, that is, when you're making yogurt, you don't have to look at it. When it's done, he doesn't keep it warm. That's the fully automatic kind.
The efficacy of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt:Lactic acid bacteria are human beneficial bacteria, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and harmful bacteria in the gut growth and reproduction,Play a role in the prevention of infection, while promoting digestion and absorption of food and prevent constipation,Lowering serum cholesterol levels to prevent heart disease caused by coronary atherosclerosis,