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I would like to invest in the real estate market of USA. I need a reliable entity to advice me on the type of investment, the amount to invest, and where to invest? can anyone help me with a list of organizations like Century 21 for such a service. Appreciate your help.
go to florida/vegas, still some good buys there. contact a realty co. there
Dear Sirs: I am a mexican citizen living in Israel willing to obtain a Florida Real Estate Associate license in order to referr international costumers to Florida real estate brokers.To be able to be paid by these brokers my commissions I must pass the Florida Real Estate Sales Associate examination and obtain my license. When I try to apply for a completed Application I must fill a Social Security number that I don't have because I'm not an american alien.When I search in the website of the Social Security office I have found that in order to apply for exams I DO NOT need a social security number to be able to take the exam.My question: How can I enroll for the examination without a Social Security number if your online application form does not allow me to proceed without a social security number?Thanks for your answer.Arturo Stern
I think you need to contact the Florida Real Estate licensing agency. Also, try asking the broker in Florida under whom you plan on hanging your license. Minimally, you're going to need to talk to the IRS about getting an FIN (Federal Income tax Number). So that your broker knows what number to put on your 1099 at the end of the year. (you will need to pay taxes on this income) Is there a state income tax in Florida also? If so, why don't you try to get a license in a state (like Texas), with no state income tax. You'll keep more of what you earn that way. You can refer clients to any state in the country with a valid real estate license from any state, but keep in mind that the referral commission check will be written to your broker, and you'll get the percentage that you've negotiated with the broker. I guess you could try to find out what's the easiest state to get a broker's license in. Then you get 100% of the referral fee. Just had a last thought - do you have a Mexican real estate license? I think that would work. One more last thought. Have you spoken to the INS about a work permit?? Also, do you have an Israeli Real Estate License?
Is there anything that your real estate agent could have done better? What did they do or not do that stood out?
When I was looking for a home 5 years ago, I contacted a realtor well in advance (I was then living in another state). We corresponded and I gave her all the specifics on when I'd be arriving to see property in her area. After my arrival, I found she had left on vacation! The nerve, and I had spent months researching the area, etc. So, her assistant was there and she showed me around, even took me back to the airport when I left! Now there was someone I wanted to do business with again...and I did, when I bought my home I used her, not her boss. So there! Basically, I find out of town realtors to be really lousy when it comes to helping out. They think just because you haven't moved yet, you won't be a client...not true of course. This has happened to me two times (not being serviced properly by agents out of town). It is very frustrating and their behavior is unprofessional.
What would I need to do to get into Real Estate Development, would a Real Estate License be enough?
Developing commercial real estate is a challenging business endeavor that requires not only a significant financial investment, but also a sound understanding of commercial tenants' requirements, as well as zoning laws and project management. In addition, because developing commercial real estate involves negotiations with local authorities, representatives of local residents and business owners, as well as with the contractors who perform the architectural designs, construction work, and landscaping, good interpersonal and diplomacy skills are a major requirement. For entrepreneurs who possess the resources and skills, developing commercial real estate can offer an extremely rewarding business opportunity and pave the way to a long and lucrative career. Read the following steps to find out how to develop commercial real estate.........Bendigo rental manager
iv always been interested in a real estate career, i would love to sell homes.....i recently saw a few ads in the newspaper that read like this....Interested in a Real Estata Career?Call ERA First Advantage(name) (phone number)---------------------------------------------------Thinking about a career in Real Estate?Talk to (name) (number)-------------------------------------------------------are they wanting to train pple?what are the requirement to get into real estate?i thought i had to go to college....i only have my HS diplomabtw i live in indiana......
These sorts of ads are promoting their little real estate schools.... which you do have to pay for... but often they offer in-house financing. Each of the major companies has one... Century 21, etc. Just remember that Real Estate is a VERY competitive field and you have to play hardball, and break the ethical rules to be in that small 5% that succeed in Real Estate. Many people like the idea of Real Estate, but cannot deal with the inconsistant income and sometimes ethically challenging workplace.
I want to flip houses full time when I'm older (I'm a teen now). How should I go about it? Do I need to become an independent real estate agent? Do I need a 4 year college degree or just a few business classes? Thanks.
google for HSFX Asset Management and start making money!
Hi,I will soon have a degree in Architecture. I would like to work for a Real Estate Company since my goal is to become a developer and I would like to get experience on this field. Is it possible to work for a Real Estate Development company with my bachelors in architecture? If so, what type of positions am I looking at? Working with other architects? PLEASE HELP ME!!
First attempt to uncover any one you recognize and believe. Whether they're a dealer, agent or legal professional. Just b/c they're this kind of 3 does no longer mechanically avoid them from being the correct man or woman for you. You have to think secure with them. Keep in brain throughout all of this, that they're running for you. If they aren't running however simply amassing a paycheck, uncover any one else. Everyone of the aforementioned folks can and can make a massive sum of money should you select to paintings with them. Further, so much markets within the US have tilted closer to the shoppers part to a point. This approach you're now within the drivers seat. Everyone within the truly property enterprise demands shoppers. Best of good fortune. Joe...
I am dealing in Real Estate and want to know how i can invest in Houston. If you have any suggestions Please reply freely.
FHA as well as conventional mortgage lenders consider a 4 plex as a single family home as long as you occupy one of the four units as your personal residence. You would have the same interest rate as a person buying a single family house. There are a few qualifying factors in your being able to be qualified and be approved for a FHA mortgage loan, such as being in the same job career for a minimum of 2 years, able to produce federal income taxes and w-2 forms for 2 years, 6-12months of bank statements and other items your mortgage loan officer would inform you that would be necessary.