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im getting ready to go to school for real estate in scottsdale az, i really ave my heart set on being the best at it as i can be im overlooking my school and the course i will be enrolling in (real estate liscening) is that what i need to be an agent? and also, what other courses dou reccomend i take to be able to be one of the best !?
first I would enroll in a course in spelling or at the very least learn how to use the spell check. Next each state has specific course work for ALL to study and it usually does not vary. To be the best is not hard its call dedication.
I have a job interview to become a real estate agent. It's supposed to be flexible hours and I can work part time. Since I like learning new things and improving my resume, I want to give it a try. I will be working a regular job and I am planning to make real estate part time for now. My question is beside the flyers, signs, cards, and possibly the school cost, is there anything I can lose (beside time depending how you look at it)? I am interested in learning in real estate even if I don't make enough profit since it's commission pay as far as I know.
YOu will need to pay for access tot he MLS, You will have to pay E&O insurance (Although many brokers will take that out of your commission for each transaction)
Is it long hours and does it require a lot of work? I am thinking about changing my major to real estate but is it hard to get jobs in and do you have to be really smart like way above average?
Are you worried about commissions? The seller pays all of them. What you need is a decent Real Estate Lawyer to close the deal.
I'm looking to invest a few thousand in the real estate market. What is the best method to invest in the real estate market? I do not mind waiting 10-15 years if need to to wait for the housing market to recover. My question is, how can I go about investing in it now? I do not have enough to actually buy any property, just a few thousand.
*Don't look forward to the correct time. Much just like the inventory marketplace, in truly property we are regularly skulking and ready, equipped to pounce on what we feel is the ideal time to leap into the marketplace. *Start better, quicker. *Don't promote appreciating resources simply but. *Invest utilizing a self-directed person retirement account (IRA).
Ok, I'm thinking about changing my whole outlook on a career, mostly because i HATE my job and it's going no where fast. I want to get into real estate because after applying for job after job that I know I'll hate, I've decided that would be interesting. Here's the thing, I don't know how to start. Should I get the license first? Would companies hire you and train you while you go to classes? How does it work traditionally? I've been on the big companies websites and requested information, but haven't received anything yet. Just need a little inspiration from someone who's been there. THANKS!!
Just search this question here. There must be a million answers.
I was having a discussion with someone and we were discussing careers. I said that the best field to go into is medicine because you have potential to make millions of dollars, think about it, if you are a simple chemistry major who works in a lab and creates a drug or something that is very useful, there you go. I know that is a fairly vague example but you get my point. My friend said I should go into real estate because I am money hungry with isn't true but I do want to be a millionaire which isn't uncommon and I will be rich one day. Anyway, down to the point. Simply, how DO people in the real estate business rack in millions of dollars? I would assume you have to own your real estate business but that means millions of dollars that need to be there. How do some of these people in this field go from nothing to everything? Oh, and please no flaming, even though it is probably inevitable.
Real estate is a very broad business. I mean that there are probably more ways to play this game than any other type of industry. Some people get undergraduate degrees in real estate and marketing, and then get a masters in real estate appraisal. I know a guy who graduated in accounting from a bus ad school, went to law school, and then got his MBA. I remember his father complaining about his not going to work. Last I heard of him he quit his job working for Senator Herb Kohl's family in their Florida real estate. I know a guy who was a carpenter. He started building houses with a partner. He and the partner split. When housing slowed he started buying pieces of land and built apartments . When the apartment market slowed, he developed condos in Florida, Colorado, Arizona, and California. When that slowed, he came back to his hometown and developed shopping centers and business offices. It is very important that you get a strong knowledge of real estate valuations. I know a guy that was selling an apartment complex for $60,000,000. He received an offer for 40. He was about to accept it. A man in his organization who had a strong appraisal background said wait, let me go down there to do an appraisal. The appraiser came back and said, do not sell for less than 60. The market down there is very strong. He turned down the offer for 40. They came back with an offer for 60.
Hi,I'm looking for Real Estate Broker website for my project in my study, can anyone lead me to a website that will helpful for me.I want to take some ideas from it, and take advantages and disadvantages.Thanks in Advance =D
QLS is one of the best Online education Provider in Real Estate sector And Different Securities and Insurace sector , like real Estate crash course california, Online real estate education California, real Estate Pre-licensin course California
Hello,I'm not looking to do Real Estate full time or represent others. The purpose of obtaining my license is to purchase and sell on my behalf but primarily to gain access to MLS. Can I do this without a broker? Any advice?Sorry if my question is skewed or incorrect, I'm in my early 20s and I'm looking to begin investing in property and I feel like there is no downside in getting my real estate license. I lack the experience and knowledge but am aware of that. I just want to make sure it's beneficial.Thanks for your guidance and patience! Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
You will need to hang your license with a broker, and you will need to join your local, state and national associations in order to have MLS access and the ability to use lockboxes and receive commissions. Please explain very clearly to any potential broker what it is you would like to do. Most good brokers will not accept someone who does not intend to make real estate sales a career. And just getting your license does not mean that you know enough to write contracts and see them through to completion - you will need additional training.