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And how would you do that?
Either a hobby shop or if you are near a major retailer (WalMart, Target, KMart, etc.); go into the toys section, find the models and you'll see tubes called model cement. It's a special glue.
its for my physics assignment..thanks!
It can insulate against electromagnetic energy due to the limestone in the cement. Like ceramic. As far as being a temperature insulator, the cement wall gets very cold in the winter, so it's not a good insulator for temperature....if you wish to have a warm room. Heat is lost through the wall. Cement can dampen vibrations.
Are they like the same...different? Idk
Cement is the gray powdery stuff that comes from a natural stonish product called 'klinker'. It is just ONE element to the concrete. To make simple cement stronger, you go for concrete: add sand, gravel and in the best of cases, rebars (iron rods) - that way the strength of both major elements are combined: 1- Concrete by itself is super-strong for compression, but cracks when pulled or bent (inflexible). 2- Iron/Steel is extremely tough to pulling forces and to some extent flexible. Combine the two and you got the stuff many skyscrapers are of.
Does rubber cement float?
Only one way to find out!
I have an old concrete brick structure with cement floor, with high tin roof all in good shape. I would like to add a restroom in it. How can I securely build a wall? It's my first time trying this type of project, so I was wondering if I have to break up the floor to anchor the wall. Thank you.
It all depends on the builder, and the part of the country. Where there is cold weather in the winter, you will find houses built with better insulation Whether or not a house has brick on the outside, is up to the builder, and often the buyer. If he orders it as a trim, the price is raised by the builder. Many homes are built with a stucco exterior. I have found them in California, Florida, and Texas.. and Arizona. It holds up to the element of heat, better than wood siding. All brick homes are well known in Texas. They serve to insulate the houses there, and holds in the coolness. All homes have air conditioning there. Swamp coolers are refrigeration with a water hose that makes a cooling breeze. Just the same, but the cost is much less than an A/C unit. So brick houses are not the commono dwelling, and where you find them, they are usually much more expensive that a wooden shake and shingle home.
Which cement is populer at bangladesh?
There are three type of cement is available at Bangladesh. 1. OPC 2. PCC 3. PLC OPC cement has very low market share and only Govt. projects are used this type of cement. PLC cement has 7 to 8 % market share and only one company is producing this type of cement. PCC cement is produced and marketed by most of the producer. Around 90% of market using this type of cement.
My fiance and I recently purchased our first home. It's a fixer upper. We are starting with the front yard which due to previous owners negligence is a disgrace. The patio had two giant cracks in the cement which I patched up. The next day the cement was cracked again right where I patched it up. What happened and how do I fix it?
The problem is that the cement is shifting with temperature changes from day to night.The only real way to solve is to have it removed,footings poured and then concrete poured on the footings.
So i went to the orthodontist yesterday, and the assistant asked me if i had already gotten my quot;cement blocksquot; in. So, i told her i didn't know what they were, so now i'm just wondering what the are because iv'e never heard of them. And i just got my bottom braces on yesterday, i'm wondering what can help me get rid of the pain, cause i can't eat or chew.
I don't know for sure about the cement blocks, but when I heard that term at my orthodontist, it meant the blocks (brackets) that they put on your teeth so that they can put the wire in. For the pain, ibruprofen/tylenol works best to numb the pain, but it's going to hurt to chew for the first few days. Trust me, I got my top and bottom braces on. Just know, this is going to happen every time you go to the orthodontist to get your bands/wires changed, just not as much pain usually. Eat soft foods (maccheese, oatmeal, pudding, yogurt, etc) and rinse your mouth with salt water.