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Aluma Beam Capacity Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Aluma Beam Capacity supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Aluma Beam Capacity firm in China.

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So, my family is moving soon. The school I am in now is very strict about dress code, hair color, piercings and stuff like that. The new school I will be going to is very relaxed. I initially wanted to get a facial piercing but my mother shot down that idea.. she however is thinking about letting me do whatever to my ears since they can be 'hidden' behind my hair. I want to get the Scaffold Piercing done.
what is the problem with being 15? i got my belly, industrial, tongue nose pierced before i turned 15 :)
I have had a scaffold piercing since october last year(2012) and I don't think it's healing very well I clean it 2-3 times a day and twist it every now and again but it just keeps going red and saw I'd there anything I shoud do (btw I'm 14 and I live in the UK near London area?)And neither do I have keloids and it also scabs up a little still and hurt and burns, I use salt and water in a mug and clean with cotton buds.
Scaffold is a cartilage piercing and cartilage piercings need 1 full year to fully heal if treated properly for the whole healing period. They are nothing like other piercings, they are not easy to heal and they have their ups and downs while doing so. They can stay irritated, swollen and painful for long, bumps can be formed around them which also can get infected. All this goes away after proper care but can happen again days or even months later. So you need to be extra careful with it and follow your piercers after care instructions by the book if you want to keep yourself and the piercing healthy. You need to do sea salt soaks 2 times a day for the whole healing period and never stop. How to do : Warm water (8oz) + non iodized salt (1/4 teaspoon) mixed in a cup. Soak the piercing in for 10 minutes, 2 times a day. Use a q-tip to clean around the piercing thoroughly, rinse with water and pat it dry with a paper towel. Until the piercing is fully healed don't : Touch it, twist the jewelry, play with it, sleep on it, change the jewelry or take it out but only touch it with freshly washed hands to clean it. Do not twist the jewelry. If a piercing is freshly cleaned it can easily slide in and out with the slightest push. Some kids mistakenly think that if you don't twist the jewelry it will somehow get stuck to the skin and never move again. This is a bad myth and can never happen. If you keep twisting the jewelry the crusties that are naturally created and attacked to the jewelry will keep scratching the inside part of the piercing ( the actual wound ) causing trauma again and again, irritating the piercing and dealing the healing process. A new piercing , especially cartilage ones need cleaning, time to heal and avoid touching.
I heard that because of the bicentennial in 2012, a lot of buildings are under renovation. I am worried that when we get there, all the buildings will be under scaffolding and we won't see anything or be able to appreciate the true ambiance of the city. Does anyone know what the city looks like right now?
Hello. You can see most of everything. Not too many buildings in Restoration. The City looks well now . But Buenos Aires and generally Argentina are a mix of things. You visit Argentina and Buenos Aires for Monuments, Food, Culture, Dance and People. So....Enjoy Argentina and have fun
The amount of bowl buckle scaffolding, know the area of 50000m2, height 6m, how to calculate the number of posts with the root, the number of bowl buckle on the number of how many?
Area / (pitch X step) = total root number (no +1, because only estimate)
I plan on getting this piercing soon and i was wondering what are the chances that it could ruin the shape of my ear cartilage? Can it at all?
If it is done properly it shouldn't.
How to calculate the amount of steel pipe in the bowl buckle scaffold formwork system? What is the good software or experience of the eldest brother?
1200 or 900 spacing is generally adopted in practice. According to the size of the room are on the line. Probably on the line. The number of entry sized frame. In the actual construction, workers will be more skilled are arranged according to the room
Is a guillotine more efficient or scaffolds where people are hanged more efficient?
guillotine is more effecient, it also choose to be a royal punishment for French revolution - because it capacity to cut fastly without the pain. Scaffolding in other hand is soo painful.
How much is the adjusting range of the scaffold of the bottom
Two, full scaffold installation requirements(1) the installation of the frame from the beam to the other end of the start, from the vertical and horizontal at the same time in the two directions, so as not to support instability. (2) all the rods used for supporting must be used before being tested.