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this is the excerpt-We have witnessed a people [Muslims] to each and every one of whom death is preferable to life, and humility to prominence, and to none of whom this world has the least attraction. Their leader is like one of them: the low cannot be distinguished from the high, nor the master from the slave. And when the prayer time comes, all wash their hands and feet and humbly pray.QUESTION: How does this writer describe the Muslim people?Sorry i know this is my homework i just need help analyzing it. Is the writer describing them as unliked people? or people he respects?
It seems like he is describing them like he respects them. He is idolizing their humility and pride. Is DBQ a Document Based Question? just wondering, if you are in APH, good luck! :) Addition: I found your post responding to this one. lol Hopefully this helped! I remember those DBQs, kinda a pain. lol....but it was a fun class and it is well worth taking!
how can you tell is a scaffolding piercing is infected?
Excessive redness extending well beyond the piercing area, hot to the touch, yellow/green pus with an odor.
Did the pageantry of pain at the scaffold actually deter people of crimes during the 18th century?
may have deterred some. but with no real police force, I imagine the chance of being caught was actually quite low.
My current bar, my first ever bar, is about 43mm long, but it has a large gap from my ear to the balls, either side (1/2 cm each side)What length(mm) bar should I get now?
There is no way to know, everyone's ear is a different size so length of the bar is going to vary from person to person. Go to another piercer to have them fit jewelry to you.
I've had my scaffold piercing for nearly a year now, and on the bottom hole i have a sore red lump on the outside (back of) my ear not in the fold but the back? if you get me?? But its SO sore and its quite red, and i was wondering whether i should pop it? do whatever to it? I've had it for a while now and it does flare up red and painful but then it stops hurting, but it getting on my nerves now and i dunno what to do with it??Thanks :)xx
Hmm, it is person-friendly interior the area of labor recently and that i completely comprehend why you would be annoyed - I even have piercings and tattoos, thankfully no longer something too visable at artwork yet I do think of your concern is discrimination and small-mindedness (inspite of the reality that i will comprehend the artwork place's perspectives too). a chum of mine has a sleeve tattoo on the two palms and he has been asked to maintain it coated in any respect circumstances in his workplace, which he replaced into annoyed approximately so I regarded up the regulation on the internet and regrettably it fairly is a splash bit a grey section on the 2d! that's out of order that your supervisor could make comments like the scrapyard one etc, they might desire to be extra careful and diplomatic approximately that. Does your supervisor have a great or do you have like worker welfare human beings you are able to consult with to air your concerns? i might take this course fairly than circulate directly to the union. easily do each and every thing you are able to interior the artwork place to confirm it and attempt come to an affiliation the place the two certainly one of you're satisfied. If no longer something could be executed, then communicate on your union rep.
Okay, I really really want to get the scaffold piercing done. But what are your stories like? What does it feel like? What do you have to do when its done? How do you clean it? I just need help, im like really excited to get it done, but I'm not sure on all of the safety standards yet.
It doesn't hurt that much getting pierced. For me, the very top whole just got warm, the second one hurt a bit but completely bearable. It's going to be sore and swollen for about two weeks, fairly sore for another month, and iffish sore after that for months. Like after 3 months it will start feeling a lot better, not being so sore and everything. but something it'll decide to be gay and just flare up and it will be sore all over again and feel like it's a week old. They are very tender so you need to care for it like a newborn (: they take about 5 months to over a year to heal. It's a industrial so it usually leans towards a year because not only is it two piercings, but they are connected with a bar. so if one side gets hurt, so does the other. it's like a relationship! lolll. the higher up the cartilage your go the longer it takes and most industrial wholes at the top are reallyy high up there, so yeah it's going to take a longg time to heal. sea salt soaks for cleaning! (: Oh and you'll experience crusties they are pretty annoying. don't get too carried away at getting rid of them, just pick them off when your cleaning it or when in the shower.
Is there a such thing as a scaffold fracture?
Are you sure you didn't mean to say Scaphoid Fracture. The scaphoid process is a projection coming from your Scapula(shoulder Blade), that connects with the clavicle( )and humerus(arm). Hope this helps thanks.
On my blackberry so bare with me, I got my scaffold pierced on monday, everything fine, monday night I saw a lil blood clot scab thing...being an idiot I picked it, since then its non stop bled on and off, its now wednesday and its bleeding heavily, I don't know what to do, it soaks up pads of tissue in minuets.Anyone have any suggestions? Thankyou x
it truly is no longer solid. Mine by no potential performed that yet per chance its in simple terms bleeding the position u were given it performed or are you picking at it alot? in case your worried bypass to the clinical specialist or call the well being line or perhaps the guy that pierced your nostril! if it hurts and its pink then take it out !!!!! i did not favor too yet i had too reason the girl performed mine with a gun and messed it up.Im getting mine performed case your nostril is undesirable then sparkling it 3 circumstances an afternoon and if it receives worse take it out and proceed cleansing.The an infection can spread. solid success :)