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Some say like the United States and green beans, and some say like a green handle Sang, some say like Mango wood, in the end which one ah? More
Can not see ah, perhaps the green heart camphor
Where to buy wood flooring accessories the best
Accessories, the most money or the corner of the line, if you can not find a special place to sell floor accessories can also go to the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States, Floor shop accessories are the most expensive
Open a decorating material shop to how much money is to sell floor gypsum board buckle plate integrated ceiling wooden doors ceiling accessories wallpaper
In recent years the economic downturn, or do not dry
Booked the elephant floor pre-paid part of the deposit, came back after the discovery of the contract in addition to the floor and the baseboard is the agreed price, but also includes "flat mouth (seems to be so clear to write)" 15 yuan, "size" 20 yuan, right angle "60 yuan, the edge of 6 yuan / m, brother two good 15 yuan, 15 yuan glass glue, tape 10 yuan, nail 5 yuan, plastic cloth 1 Fen touch bark Pei Du think Sen 3 yuan / Square meters (also see clearly, as if so much.) Check the Internet under the said floor of the floor to install, transport, glue and mat is free, then my list is not a problem?
Floor installation free content is mainly in the contract or when the negotiations settled, such as the floor below the moisture pad, baseboard, the entrance of the buckle and so on. If you buy the floor, moisture-proof pad, baseboard, buckle and other ancillary accessories, indicating that the package is installed, then all the content is free.
My house is to warm, consider the shop to strengthen the composite floor, I would like to ask the laying of 1 square meters floor to more money? Including labor and auxiliary materials. Look at the Internet to say that the OKorder bones of the high-paying agent for the floor of the two kinds of floor, a direct shop, a plus keel pad feet feel good. What is the cost of these two kinds of? Questions added: What other accessories are they asked? More
Strengthen the floor can be a direct shop, and flooring is the need for mats on it.
Light purple and light green are very shallow kind of the three rooms to shop the floor, and I had booked a round bean, but the feeling will not be too deep. (Add that my living room is the floor tiles are partial white white, but the chicken beggars forging glycosides pedal fist foolhard after a living room wallpaper is light blue sky) Please enlighten expert advice: Glyphids pedal rail fist fist natural beans is the color of this, the third floor of the floor, the floor three different colors, not only high cost, and trouble, 囧, our family is not falling into the dye tank, and can not directly paint Floor it, you heroes, the focus is the color of the floor, the wood is actually only the depth of the problem, either wood character, or reddish, partial brown more
Haha, 3 rooms selected 3 colors, that you are very creative, and happy and innovative and romantic feeling; that floor why must stick to the rules - and then choose three colors to dress up and with 3 rooms. With this idea, the color of the floor you since the fen forging forging glycosides pedal rail fist foolishness will easily get.
World Friends of the floor 5A service specifically refers to what?
Meaning the best
What is the difference between an antistatic floor and a network floor?
simply put. An anti-static one is not anti-static bar