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vader was mostly machine he (luke) could've short curcuited his dad and won,without all that learning how to use a lightsaber thing.
Hey Wake Up!! First thing, are you sure that you did not influence your daughter in any way? Think about it and how you phrased your questions to her? Did you say anything that would cause her to say what you wanted to hear? If you can say no to these questions then we can proceed. You’re the father of your daughters and it is your job to protect your children. The best way to handle this situation is to report this to the proper authorities. Not knowing what state you are located, I can not tell you specifically the name of the agency you should call, but I can tell you in general who to call. You should first have your daughter at your home when you make the call to ensure that they are safe! If you have the ability to record what she said to you, then I would do so, but if you have already done so, then I do not think you should stage another show. If you get what I mean? In my State, there is an agency known as Children's protective services (CPS), they are responsible for the protection of children in this state. You should immediately contact them and asked them what to do and they will advise you. IF you do not have a State Agency that does this, then call the police in your town or your county sheriff's department. You should not take this matter into your own hands. That will not do anything but make many people resentful including your own children. If you know of the abuse of any child and fail to respond to it you could be held accountable as well. It is always best to do what is right. I have added some links for you to click on and read about how to report the abuse and the signs and symptoms a child may display, that may not be known until you watch your child for these reactions.Best wishes, Rags37
With out using a lint roller, tape, or a dryer sheet I have tried a lint roller and tape but i do not want to use a dryer sheet because if can remove the fire resistance off the babies clothes and blankets
you have to confront him straight away!!
It wouldn't be so bad because it's in my step-mom's room and that door stays closed anyway. BUT it's tripping off all the alarms in the house. This happened yesterday and my dad didn't have time to fix it. He's not very good about this sort of thing (taking care of something that needs to be fixed). On top of that it's 9:00 am, he won't be home until 5:00 or later If i wave a broom in front of it, it'll turn off but turn back on 30 sec later. I can't spend my whole day under a frickin fire alarm!! Anything I can do in the meantime???
Um, dogs are smelling the hydrant to see what other dogs have left their 'calling cards' there to mark territory. I'm not aware of any theists sniffing prayers to see which God has passed this way. So what made you think to ask this question? I'm thinking, bong?
Its just a random question,just hoping to know the answer.
lamp posts, fences, walls male dogs are not fussy they will pee up anything!
I've been looking for cork materials (sheet, board, tile) to use as backing for a dartboard as well as to protect the surrounding wall space, but have yet to find anything that is 0.5 inch in thickness. Ideally, it is 36x36 and thick enough that can absorbs stray darts. I've tried stores like HomeDepot, Staples, Target, JoAnn, Michael's, etc, and they only have the thin ones (~1/8 inch). Any suggestions or other ideas will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
the main issue-loose explanation for it somewhat is that the grab rollers are greasy led to by utilising moisture smoking and a variety of of alternative different reasons. Get a chunk of stiff card positioned in basic terms a splash of washing up liquid on it in a quickly line around the backside a pair of million/3 of how from the backside of the website Insert into the printer and style feed so as that the printer tries to tug it by way of, yet save carry of the right so it can't pass by way of and so as that the rollers sparkling themselves on the showering up liquid. Then permit it pass approximately 2/3 of how in and repeat to bathe the rollers as quickly as extra on sparkling card to get rid of extra liquid and so on. Failing that, you ought to aim the comparable ingredient with very gentle grade sandpaper, this could develop the traction by utilising roughing up the exterior of the rollers, besides the undeniable fact that do no longer permit it run for too long.
Ok, my heater came on a little while ago and I noticed that it was only blowing room temperature air. The strength of the air coming out is normal, I'm just talking about the temperature of it. I turned it off, and then back on, then it started blowing hot like it should.I also noticed that the 4 wide duct that runs up out of the heater is very hot to the touch (not sure if that's normal, I haven't checked it before). Also, I could be getting paranoid, but I walked into my bathroom and I thought I smelled some kind of vague burning smell, but I'm not too sure.Can someone tell me what could be wrong if anything? Is the duct supposed to get too hot to touch?
fd will use a pool if they can. it takes time to set up a mark III pump,and they only have so many. the wind is a big facture. you could dump the hole pool on your house but if the whole neighborhood is on fire it will not help.A helicopter can n..ot hit such a small target as a swiming pool in such high winds with power lines,trees etc. it takes a lot of training to be able to fight wildland fires fessional fire fighters would spend most of their time trying to keep volunteers safe than fighting the fire.volunteers could be used behind the lines. but they need to be well organized.see if you can start one of these groups !
Where can I get the images of this phone?? I want to see it in action but not a video.. images.. like the menu and the options in it. Can you please tell me the link. 10 Points for the best links.Thanks in advance..
Shut it off, look for a jammed piece - remove what you have in there let it thaw if you cant get to it. Usually that's what happens to mine, it wont allow the roller to go back up that crushes the ice.
I don't know. Everything lately doesn't feel real. I feel like I'm in a dream. I'll often find myself asking questions, e.g., Who are these people?' What is life? Why am I here?. One things that happens a lot is that I'll pass a mirror or some other reflective material, stop, look at myselfand then, I just feel weird. My heart starts to beat a bit faster, like when you're scared, and I know that is me in the mirror, but that me doesn't feel familiar. I've thought about suicide - not because of pain or because my life is bad, but because I feel empty and without meaning.I know that the internet probably isn't the best place to ask these types of questions, and I should see a professional immediately, but it is the middle of the night, so why not?
Oh dont mind me, I'm here to look at the answers :D