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want to go to school to be one, how long is the program and how much do they make yearly. approximately. i live in spring hill florida if that helps any.
The median hourly wage for industrial machinery mechanics in 2008 was $20.98. The highest paid 10 percent earned more than $31.40 per hour. REad the info above..
I want to be an engineer who works with microchips and things like that. Are there any small projects and things which I could do at home (spending less than $100-200) just to get a feel for things?
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Why might the machinery of war, set in motion by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, have been difficul?
one major reason was the complex net of political and military alliances . the actual antagonists. Austria and Hungry drew in all of Europe Wilson and America wisely wanted to stay out the British tricked USA with the 'zimmerman telegram' and the sinking of the civilian ship the Lusitania, which was carrying forbidden military suppies ( ammunition) to Britain. About the same time a relevolution was taking place in Russia, communists were involved and the West was terrified of anything like communism. America actually sent troops to fight in Russia AFTER WW I.
Does anyone know of any cnc machinery apprentice programs in michigan?
Focus Hope has an awesome program. The first five weeks are free to see if you like it. I know ppl there now. I have passed all the entrance stuff and start in the fall.
would these include non motorized equipment used for processing?
Baler------ This is pulled by the tractor and used to make bales out of crops like hay. It makes a round bale that is 4'x4' tall. Each bale will feed about 25 cows a day. Combine------ This is used to harvest all kinds of crops. It does more than one thing--like pick and clean the crop. It has a sieve in it to get rid of the crop junk. They even have special ones if the farmer has lots of hills. Chisel Plow----- Plows dig up the soil to get it ready for planting. It will turn over the dirt as it digs. Cotton Picker----This machine picks cotton and puts it into the back. The cab has air conditioning and a cassette player/ radio/ and weather radio. It has a special seat for back support. Mower---- This is pulled by a tractor and mows down grass and low growing things. Row Planter---The containers at the top hold the seeds to be planted. This is pulled across the field that the farmer wants to plant. Row Planter---The containers at the top hold the seeds to be planted. This is pulled across the field that the farmer wants to plant. Seed Drill--- This is pulled by a tractor. It is used to plant grains and vegetable seeds. This can make different kinds of ditches that the seeds go in depending on what kind of soil there is. Sprayer--- This is used if the farmer needs to spray their crops for anything [like bugs]. It has a great cab, or place where the driver sits. The equipment company builds these to make farmers more comfortable while they work. Tractor--- This is one of the most important pieces of equipment that a farmer has. He uses it to pull equipment and crop wagons. The equipment company makes the cabs of these very comfortable, too. The farmer picks the tractor size based on what he wants to pull with it. ()
Where do i sell rubber rollers for printing and industrial machineries?
but the problem is that some materials are not available in india and i want to search the any material with same compositions of the requird materials. so is there any website or any book from where i can find that
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In the novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, what does machinery stand for in Bromden's view?
Machinery represents the accomplishments of man kind and what man kind is capable of doing.