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It‘s a lab question about chemical weathering, what influences the rate of chemical weathering? Our experiment was basically finding the change in mass day after day after soaking limestone, marble, and dolomite in hydrochloric acid per day
There are many factors which affect the rating of weathering depending on what type of weathering you are referring to. In your case some of the major factors would be temperature (higher temperaturemore energy to fuel reactionsmore reactions occurringfaster weathering), concentration of HCl (higher concentrationmore HCl available to reactmore reactionsfaster weathering), how reactive the substance being eroded is to your eroding agent (HCl) (e.x. limestone will dissolve much more readily than dolomite), and the length of time the substance is exposed to the eroding agent (longer exposuremore reactantsmore reactionsfaster weathering).
How are dolomite applied on ceramics?
The addition of dolomite and limestone powder mixed into dolomitic limestone mixture in the glaze, can produce anorthite and diopside - wollastonite clinker, suitable for fast firing porcelain, in the manufacture of fine brick and brick wall, the cost is lower than the clinker synthesis of calcium and magnesium compounds.
what warrior hockey stick is the best?
I have the Warrior Johnson, great stick. I also hear the Warrior Spine and Warrior Dolomite are really good too.
I don‘t feed my horse oats. He eats something called Hoffmans food formula. He also gets daily pasture and hay. I‘m just wondering what you think of the benefits of oats and the benefits of other foods.
Sunflower Seeds, Barley, Wheat, Bread, Soft Corn, Grass, Celery, and Banana Peels. Horses will eat most any fruit or vegetable that you provide for them. Be sure that the food is clean, remove all stickers and rubber bands, if feeding something like brocolli. My horses didn't care for bananas too much, but they loved the banana peels. It was neat to watch them squeeze the banana out of the peel, let it fall to the ground and proceed to eat the peeling. Mine ate lots of carrots and apples. We would slice the apples in half before feeding them, so the younger horses wouldn't get them caught in their windpipes. Thanks, and have a good day! 3
I‘m a 190 lb. 6‘1 high school hockey player and I have an S17 100 flex that was cut down 1 - 2 and a Warrior Dolomite ‘08 85 Flex that isn‘t cut down. I‘m afraid to put all my weight on my slap shot because I don‘t want to have to buy a new stick every 2 weeks, so my question is; would I break my sticks a lot if I put all my weight on my shot? Do I need to start getting stiffer (maybe pro stock) sticks?
Alesana - The s17 is a very good hockey stick, widely used by both junior and NHL players. You obviously do not know what you are talking about. As was said, your s17 is most likely about 105-110 flex now (as flex increases when a stick is cut down). I would not recommend going any stiffer than this flex. As for your warrior, 85 might be a little soft for you. Warriors have a reputation for breaking easily, and at an 85 flex for your size, chances of it breaking are higher. I doubt your easton would break, can't say the same about the dolomite. I recommend that in the future you buy your sticks at 100 flex. If you have to cut them down a little then 105-110 will still be a good flex if you are a fairly strong guy. If you are not cutting down the Warriors, then go for the 110 flex (they are available in that flex without being cut down), just based on the reputation of warrior sticks.
It seems I‘ve got two possibilities.The first one is to live where I am now,namely a small village in the middle of the Dolomites in northern Italy and get a job that I don‘t like but with more chances to put money aside because there‘s no rent etc.The second one is a job that I might like in Milan but with the prospect of wasting a big part of my salary to pay the rent and all the very expensive life in Milan.What would you choose if you were in my shoes?
Well, that's exactly the problem, I am not in your shoes. You have framed the question well, but the answer boils down to your personal preference. The trade off you have created appears to be a cheaper more secure life with savings to accumulate, but a more sedate life style in a job where you will not be happy; versus a more expensive, probably less secure, more exciting life with a job that you enjoy more. Do you value security and savings over excitement and culture? I pick the latter for myself, only you can choose for yourself.
sedimentary rock identification?
i'm majoring in geology, and that i can not detect a million/2 of those with in basic terms image on my own. like countless different individual reported, look up photographs and chosen the excellent look alike. stable luck
I wanna treat myself for an early vacation next year. I just wanna know which places to visit? I am an amateur photographer so it would be better if I‘ll be able to go to places which have a nice view.
Cinque Terra, Veneto( Padova), Toscana, all very beautiful :)