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I own a very nice house but it is old - built in about the 30'sIt does not have insulation in the exterior walls so the house has trouble holding our AC in the summer and our heat in the winterThe windows, although newer at some point, also need replacing as they quot;leakquot; air due to their age and due to the worn-out trim and caulking that need to be replaced.If all else is equal and I have only X dollars to spend on my next home improvement project and both projects cost the same, should I do the insulation first with my money or do the windows?? Which upgrade gives me the better energy improvement for the investment?
it depends how good the freezer bag isif its the stuff the store uses about 2 to 3 weeks if its good freezer bag to 3 months
super saver red heart yarn ARTE 300 color 397 coral fizz dyelot 8 92 50/01
I'd thoroughly cool them and then put them in baggies and leave them out on the counterSince they are for a bake sale, you could jazz them up a bit by buying those fancy cellophane bags you get at the craft department and tieing them with a ribbonYou'd still have to put them in baggies first.
I've never body clipped before, this is my first time clipping my horseShow season is approaching and i want him clipped this yearI've looked around people on different pages are saying that quot;you should always blanket a freshly clipped horsequot;Its a pretty good temperature outside, around 75ishShould i still blanket him? Other horses i know,are clipped, and seem to be situating just fineTheyre all outside, blanketless, and they dont seem to be bothered by it, even on the chillyish nightsIs body clipping as dangerous as people are making it seem?
I wouldn't say it was dangerous to body clip a horse and then not put a blanket on it, but I wouldn't recommend it, either Put yourself in your horse's shoes :) Would you want to be outside (especially at night) with no clothes on, when you are used to wearing clothes? You say other horses are out on cold nightsWell, some horses are less sensitive than others, some have thicker hair even though it may be the same length, some horses may be fatter than othersAnd some owners don't care if their horses are cold or not and the horses just freeze until they get used to it The only time I body clip and don't blanket is in the middle of summer on older horses who have naturally long hair and stand there and sweat all dayThis is when the low is in the 80'sEvery other situation warrants at least a sheetI don't want my horses to be cold.why take the chance?
I m every time feeling gas even i m not eating tomuch i m not fat but my stumac area is fat i need slotion?
ID inner diameter OD outer diameter Wall thickness weight per ftmeans, if you cut a one foot section of the tube, it would weigh the amount givenAnd I didn't even need to look at your site.
My daughter is just 5 days old and today she has been extremely fussyShe slept all night besides waking to feed and then this morning was up at about 6:00 am and has basically been up most of the day and it's now 1:00 pm!! She took a couple tiny cat naps that were 10 to 15 minutes long and would wake up cryingI'm breastfeeding and this is so discouraging because my hubby and I went through this with our first daughterShe was a fussy baby and I always blamed it on something I ate that upset her stomachI stopped most dairy products and she got better so I haven't been drinking any milk since our second daughters birthWe don't have food allergies in our family on either side so I don't know what the deal is, but it makes me want to switch our new baby to formulaOur daughter was on hypoallergenic formula after 6 months of age and did fine with itI just wanted to give my daughter breastmilk for the nutritional value and to build her immunity, but this makes me so sad!
Don't give up! As long as she is getting milk she will be fineYour milk is probably just coming in good ( the first few days is colosterum)She should start eating and sleeping much better in the next couple of daysCongradulations and God bless.
What's the best way to get them off my skin.!!!?????
it may have had an electrolysis effect , the paper on the s/steel, i would ring the refmanufacturer for advice first, then try the cream they use on ceramic glass stove tops
is that badwhats the opposite of a fever?
Yep.I know all about that/:
is celery high in fiber?
I would go with the full recipe.But you never know so try it out and see :)