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is it safe to get an industrial/scaffold and weaving piercing at the same time?
It's not SUPER dangerous, but I wouldn't recommend getting them at the same time.
What is the significance of the three scaffold scenes in the Scarlet Letter?
For the best answers,They represent different types of judgment and redemption.
I got my scaffolding piercing yesterday (a bar through the cartilage) and when i woke up this morning there was quite a lot of blood, i mean like there was big clumps of it around the holes. I've cleaned it up and it seems to look okay and it isn't any more painful than when i got it done yesterday. Is this normal?Thanks (:
well when i got my lip pierced idk if this is the same thing but when i woke up the next morning there was blood on my pillow, my face, and running down my neck and now its fine just be sure to clean it every day and it should be fine
Everybody calls it either one, i want the one that goes across the top of your ear. Would it be safer to have two helix done instead of putting the bar straight in and getting the actual piercing or should i get two helix and put a bar in once it has healed? i would ask the piercer to line the two up. ive heard that industrails go wrong alot if a bar is put right in.
As long as the bar's the correct length (long enough to accomodate a little bit of swelling, but not too long), and you have a good piercer, you shouldn't have a problem. Getting two and then changing to a bar later also costs twice as much money :P
Scaffolding step span, span, the vertical rod spacing is how much
Distance refers to the distance between the adjacent two large bars, the middle of a protective bar.
Scaffolding construction specification is what? Do you know?
This problem is quite professional, general engineering class is good, to help find the information to see if not!First, the role of scaffolding and requirements: 1, the role of scaffolding: (1)operating platform(2)Stacking material
On my blackberry so bare with me, I got my scaffold pierced on monday, everything fine, monday night I saw a lil blood clot scab thing...being an idiot I picked it, since then its non stop bled on and off, its now wednesday and its bleeding heavily, I don't know what to do, it soaks up pads of tissue in minuets.Anyone have any suggestions? Thankyou x
Did you try peroxide? Put some on a cotton ball and clean around the piercing. If this does not go away within two days and the bleeding persists your body may be rejecting the metal from your skin. This will cause the peircing to eventually migrate out. Go back to the piercer and see what they say.
^^^ thats alll. and does it hurt?
relies upon on the place you reside- I stay in Michigan and the tattoo parlors around indexed under are $25.00 for all peircings above the waist. I dont think of Ive considered everywhere for extra desirable than that. yet once you reside in California or Florida, that's going to in all probability be extra because of the fact its a great vacationer/spring harm spot and many college young ones get tattoos/peircings on Spring harm, so they jack up the value of each little thing