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Soundproofing A Floor Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Soundproofing A Floor supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Soundproofing A Floor firm in China.

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How to remove the water from the floor
Pour water on the wood floor of the alkali stains can be wet towels, dipped in a small amount of vinegar, and then gently wipe the floor can be. If the alkali is too much, you can consider using warm water against vinegar can be wiped. Wood floor care methods: regular maintenance: the same as the solid wood flooring, for the surface of the brush with cork flooring, the general half a year to play a floor wax can be. The cork flooring with a resin-resistant layer on the surface is as simple as the care of the composite floor. Small repair: cork flooring use after a period of time if the individual wear, you can use the local remedial method. In the wear and tear with sandpaper gently polished, remove the surface of the dirt, and then gently wipe with a dry soft cloth, re-coated coating, or in the local coating polyester film. Cleaning and maintenance: the use of mop to clean the floor, the mop dry and then use a better, too wet mop, when used in the water will penetrate the seams, damage to the floor, causing the floor of the tilt deformation, especially wood flooring, plastic Flooring, cork tiles. Daily protection: at the same time should try to avoid the sun for a long time direct exposure to the floor, so as not to long-term strong ultraviolet radiation after the film, premature dry and aging.
From the troops just down, want to do business. Listen to friends that cork products are more popular, and healthy environmental protection, thinking should be the future trend, so would like to have a well-known brand, you give the provision of protection for the Paihao spring Koopo pseudo-sickle reference, very grateful. Question added: we say that when the specific brand remember to tell me where the manufacturers, do not care to engage in an overseas, I was not the power of that time Oh more
Resistant to it, I also recognize the brand, good quality, in many parts of the country already have a physical store, you can Google their official website to ask you there is no dealer, to get an agent to make money The. My friend dry decoration, recommended to me. Now cork products are still not common, personally think that the brand has to be market test, I recommend the resistance is only appropriate relative to the current industry level to do better. I hope to choose my answer, very hard to answer, to earn your points. Thank you.
Cork flooring which brand is better? How is the good floor?
Good wife to strengthen the floor Yes, my home is to use his wife floor.
Is the bathroom suitable for cork flooring?
A week to change
Home with the elderly and children, would like to choose cork flooring, but these two kinds of good, please provide some suggestions? More
There are old people and children in the home, from the professional point of view recommended pavement paste cork floor, lock the structure of cork flooring can not be reflected in the characteristics of cork. Is the paste cork flooring pavement process is more complex, paving costs are relatively high.
Home decoration, may I ask the bedroom bedroom to shop what floor is good? I heard that solid wood flooring and cork flooring is very good, but not used, know to give a suggestion!
To say good, that environmental protection, is certainly a solid wood floor is good, good foot feeling, no pollution, good warm, but the price is slightly more expensive, usually care to be careful, the wear resistance as composite floor. Cork used in the cork is composed of numerous airbags, the surface of the formation of numerous small suction cups, when people walk in the frightened fool feathers chipper cats above the footsteps and ground contact, the cork flooring will footsteps slightly Adsorption on the ground, reducing the relative displacement between the footsteps and the floor, reducing the friction, thereby extending the floor wear resistance and service life, but also played a role in noise reduction, sound absorption. In the living room using solid wood flooring and cork flooring to be taken into account, the living room is the public area of the home, usually more people, the amount of friction, if the guests more to increase the wear and tear of the floor, so whether from wear or from the point of view , Have to be more cost.
There was a floor for two days. To now also get rid of what in the end the most hot pad, or simply do not shop directly on the floor? Please come to the experts to give more advice
This problem you want too much, to warm a special mat, this you do not have to worry about, mat above the word, a look to know
Is it easy to buy cork flooring online?
Online shopping has made a tripod with a piece of rice, and is not even think about the car has been involved in the car Network sales, according to a OKorder data show last year, in the promotion phase, just a few days the platform sales of nearly 100 cars. So, buy online cork products, as long as you spotted the business reputation, a more comprehensive understanding of the operator's information, you can buy boldly. But also to remind the advertising customers and friends, the site platform to buy cork products, please pay attention to the way to pay, do not let their own money and meat buns have to go back to the dog. In addition, the prospective dealer, if the operator is the brand store agent or purchasing staff, the middle of the extra layer of the cost, earn you too much rebate.