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Marinite Asbestos Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Marinite Asbestos supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Marinite Asbestos firm in China.

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Door head decoration, outside the aluminum-plastic plate which can be used calcium silicate board?
If the insurance can still choose the conventional blockboard (Daixinban), anyway, the door of the words of a similar, not much money, calcium carbonate than the plate is not much added:
Calcium silicate board material production methods which
Calcium silicate (microporous calcium silicate) materials, calcium silicate board production methods are static autoclave, dynamic hydrothermal synthesis and secondary reaction method. At present, most of the domestic production of static technology, raw materials and auxiliary materials will be a certain proportion of ingredients, adding the right amount of water, stirring conditions heated to a certain temperature for gelation, and then by molding, autoclaved curing, drying the existing calcium silicate board Insulation materials products. Static method used diatomite for siliceous materials, calcareous materials and more lime. The process is simple and low cost, but in the production requires large capacity autoclave, and the reaction is not complete, the main form of tourbillate to calcium carbonate board, the use of low temperature (<650 degrees Celsius), it is difficult to produce light, Light high strength products.
Calcium silicate board is not gypsum board?
Now the new situation, the gypsum board market has become smaller and smaller, calcium silicate board market share and customer recognition rate increased year by year, the corresponding calcium silicate board manufacturers are also increasing, how to choose the right price, good quality silicon Calcium carbonate board it, it is recommended that you visit Shandong Lutai building materials to look at
Calcium silicate board ceiling, wall patchwork and vertical degree how to control?
If the tile is affixed to the top of the case, on the side of the wall from the ground 230-240cm high point, with a transparent water pipe fixed on the other side of the wall coincide point and then line, to determine the hole after drilling with diamond drill bit The
What is the difference between silicon calcium board and high crystal plate?
Silicon calcium board is the traditional use of gypsum, silicate cement and potential reactive powder to do the ceiling plate, easy to deformation discoloration damp, the north can be used with a place, the southern wet spots may not be suitable.
Is the calcium silicate board gypsum board?
No, calcium silicate board and gypsum board is completely different from the two materials, but because of the use of almost, so easy to confuse.
Calcium silicate board fire board can do air conditioning ducts do
Thermal insulation Calcium silicate board has a good thermal insulation properties, 10mm thick wall insulation performance is better than ordinary brick wall effect, but also has a good sound insulation long lasting Calcium silicate board performance is stable, Naisuan Jian, not easy to corrosion, it will not be moisture or insects and other damage, can guarantee a long service life.
What is the difference between gypsum board and silicon calcium board?
Gypsum board is a building gypsum (that is, CaSO4) as the main raw material, mixed with appropriate amount of additives (adjust the rate of condensation) and fiber to do plate core, with a special plate for the face, the processing of the plate. Strength is not high, not wet