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A guy my husband works with has a fellow employee that operates a crane and him and his crane are the only cranes on the entire work site that a whole flock of bees in attracted to and he has gotten stung many times already and wants to know of anything natural or not that is cheap and easy that could repel the bees away. help plz...
Call in a local bee keeper, have the hive collected and moved.
Ready to study in Australia, intends to emigrate is learning mechanical engineering or electronic engineering is better?
Melbourne University canceled undergraduate engineering specialty in 5 years ago, you want to enter the Melbourne University, must read a bachelor's degree in other ways will go into the engineering college. And now The University of Western Australia, Adelaide University has made the corresponding adjustment. So enter the similar aspects of the school is difficult.
I received a job offer through Job Spider. I have done some researching and haven't been able to find anything. I am beginning to think it is a scam. I just need to know if anyone else has had similiar experiences.
check okorder
title says it alllWill it ever be possible for scientists to physically stop a earthquake with any machinery or something like that
An earthquake is the moving of the tectonic plates. So you'd need some huge machinery to stop it.
Computer Numerical Control
I just entered an abandoned air traffic control room, that have been abandoned since 1998 and I saw these stuff in it, Does you know what are they and the usage??
I'd speculate that it was a backup power supply system with its fuel tank. The first picture is clearly a storage tank of some sort, with a simple contents indicator consisting of a float on the surface of the liquid, with an attached cord over a pulley dangling down to a weighted pointer in front of the scale to show how much was in the tank.
it should be 150 words and required within 24 hrs
Required? You're bossy. And your question is incomplete. What you mean to ask so you can finish your assignment is How is the basic machinery of organelles and cytoskeleton system that all cells share then regulated and enhanced to achieve this astonishing diversity? Again, I direct you to this site to help you finish your homework.
Construction machinery if the use of diesel engines, the use of motors, the general choice of DC motor or AC motor?.
Synchronous motor power factor is high, even can be used to phase modulation, but the capacitor screen compensation can solve the power factor problem; what engineering machinery must rotate speed and load size is irrelevant? Synchronous motor control is complex, costly and troublesome to maintain, not so fun.