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Is the plate restaurant good or solid wood restaurant furniture?
Furniture is cheap in price, but the service life is not long, special drawer rack often tardy bad easily. If the ability can, for the health of the family, pure wood furniture is preferred.
What does the furniture contain?
1, according to the style of furniture can be divided into: modern furniture, modern furniture, classical European style furniture, American furniture, Chinese classical furniture, new furniture, new furniture, garden furniture, decorative Korean Mediterranean furniture.2, according to the materials used in furniture will be divided into: Jade furniture, solid wood furniture, panel furniture, upholstered furniture, rattan furniture, bamboo furniture, metal furniture, steel wood furniture, and other materials such as glass, marble, ceramic, inorganic minerals, fiber fabric, resin etc..3, according to the function of furniture includes: office furniture, outdoor furniture, living room furniture, bedroom furniture, office furniture, children's furniture, restaurant furniture, bathroom furniture, kitchen furniture (equipment) and ancillary furniture and other categories. Appreciate the appreciation!
What types of custom furniture do you have?
Distinguish from space, divided into porch furniture, kitchen furniture, guest dining room furniture, bedroom furniture, function room, furniture, bathroom furniture
Living room furniture color white mainly wallpaper choose what color is good
According to the color of wallpaper is divided into warm and cool colors and warm colours to red and yellow, orange, blue, green, cool to grey. If the color of the wallpaper matches the furniture, the curtain, the carpet and the light, the room environment will be harmonious and unified.
What is called a sofa door?
If there is no place to move, it has to be placed between the two screens, so that the flow from the door into the house will not rush to the sofa. If the sofa to the door is no harm, nor need to put the screen to resolve.
New house to buy furniture, family restaurant 2.9 meters x2.7 meters, 1.4 meters round table is appropriate?
But fewer people with square table. 1.6 diameter circle change side is 1.13, side sit two people, 0.65 meters wide, one side by the wall put, leave the passage.The purchase of a square table, round table that can be quite appropriate.
Seek professional help! Guest house furniture is not the same color, okay?
Finally, let me give you a little advice. The black and white match is simple and simple, but it sometimes feels boring and lacks vitality. So you can put some colorful things in some parts to enliven the space color. For example, the restaurant can have a little orange lamp belt or decorative lines, and it has the function of increasing vitality and stimulating appetite. Living room can also be placed a few pots of broad-leaved plants, so that indoor color more active.
How many kinds of furniture are there in general?
According to the style of furniture, it can be divided into modern furniture, back furniture, European classical furniture, American furniture, Chinese classical furniture, new classical furniture and new decorative furniture.