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I don't understand how they are bigger than England but only have a little over 300 thousand people mainly in one area the capital. So how do they deal with the rest of the country. and yes i do know most of Iceland is wastelands but still..
Lol nopenot yet! However my kittens use my leg as a claw sharpener! (Painful!)
Why are lightning rods normally taller than the buildings they protect?
everything needs a lightning rod to keep society going. black people take all the negativity so the other races don;t have to look art the their own imperfections . if black people weren't here the country would die from boredom and nothing to hate.
I have had the intro to sweet child o' mine for my alarm clock for over a year now and almost every morning I wake up to it. I never thought anything about it until recently I was going through a list of my music and when that song came on, I'm not sure, but I think I felt scared or something familiar. Does this seem right? I love this song, especially the intro, that's why I had it as my alarm in the first case. Should I change my alarm or am I just imagining this?
They will send you to training when you are hired, but if you already have some prior training, it shows that you are serious about becoming a firefighter, and you will be more likely to be hired in the first place. An associates or bachelors in fire science will help tremendously, along with EMT-B certification. Be sure to do a lot of physical conditioning. The area that most prospective firefighters fail is the practical test (where you have to haul hose, and carry 150+ pounds 30 feet, and other physical tests). If you talk to the fire department that you are interested in working for, they will be able to tell you how to prepare for the various stations in the physical test. Hope this helps!
My one year old chihuahua corgi mix chews up all of his toys and chews through them all. I am concerned some might be toxic and he is swallowing them. What are the best toys that are very tough and he wont get sick from?
Which edition you have license for? If you have license for the edition like Home Student Edition, it does not have the license for running Access. You can purchase it separately from the Microsoft site. If you have the license for Access, you can install it via control panel and then select add remove programs and then select the office 2007 and click change. Then it will ask you for the option for adding access.
How can you get on myspace at school my school blocks every wed sitres they already blocked &proxy&?
You cant catch TB via blood or cells so that's fine. Does the lab have no way of tracing the sample back to the recipient to check for HIV? Also, just to clarify, you were handling CELLS, not blood? If this is the case any infection transmission would be extremely extremely low. As you may know HIV tends to reside within lymphocytes so unless there were a bunch in the tissue you were handling, you're fine. Cancer is not contagious either. So don't even worry about that. Any stray cells that entered your body will be destroyed by your immune system pronto. And the cells you were handling were not infected with anything, so even less reason to worry. If you still have concerns talk to your supervisor again, I suspect I wont be able to stop you worrying but really, you shouldnt!
I have an Ademco alarm system on my home, I found these numbers on the keypad cover, M6894 and K4576V2. It was already installed when we moved in, so I am not sure how it works. We have had problems with it going off because the backup power supply came unplugged, but lately it has been going off about every 20 hours for no apparent reason. I am not even sure if the systems are connected, but could it be warning me that the fire alarm is low on battery? Or are there any other possible solutions? Thanks!
too dangerous don't attempt it.
Fire extinguishers test places in palm desert?
-b+sqrroot of bsquare-4ac all of it divided by 2a. then do the same for -b-sqrroot of bquare-4ac all of it divided by 2a You get two answers pug them back in the problem and see which one checks out.
We have tampered with a hotel smoke detector and now it wont stop bleeping(every 60 seconds) Is there anyway to stop this??
I think what you want is what is d when h 0 because when h 0 the water is hitting the ground. Multiply by 100 to make it easier 0(100) 0 d^2 + 106d + 400. You mentioned the discriminant which is + or - sqrt(b^2 -4ac) in this case + or - sqrt(106^2 - 1600) + or - 98.2 I know that you can solve it from here. Just use the positive answer, the other one is the part of the curve behind the fireman.