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Calcium silicate board material production methods which
The synthesis of the dynamic process is carried out under stirring, the synthesis temperature is higher than the static process, and under pressure conditions. Dynamic process is simple, no gelation process, the product capacity is small, the performance is better, can be high temperature (1000 degrees Celsius) of the xonotlite products and ultra-light products, but need to bring the device with high pressure vessel , Equipment and process conditions require a higher energy consumption and investment are higher. At present, foreign countries use this method.
With calcium silicate board across the wall, noise fiber also added, why the sound is not ideal, I would like to ask on the basis of the original method to improve the sound insulation effect?
Plus foam composite panels, can not thicken, only in the middle of the wall to make a fuss
What are the advantages of calcium silicate board?
Fire, high strength, light, environmentally sound, long weather service life. 650 degrees above the decomposition, 650 degrees above the crack (more than 1000 degrees will melt into ceramic), the thermal conductivity is low so that the flame temperature can not penetrate the plate so as a wall of reinforced concrete (more than 400 degrees of water decomposition of water vapor expansion cracking Loss of strength) have a good protective effect;
Ceiling, shape the same, with gypsum board is good, or with silicon calcium board material is good
Now on the market, most of the gypsum board is more, no matter where you use, require product performance better Caixing. There is a smallpox is better, is now on the market high-end products - Connolly ceiling
Home wall with a good board or silicon calcium board
Calcium silicate board can be widely used in building wall, wall, ceiling, roof and ventilation pipes and gymnasium, theater, conference room sound-absorbing panels and fire wall panels, can also be used for a variety of special purpose industrial facilities, such as Highway insulation wall, enclosure, power plant cooling tower leaching board, construction works with a permanent template, steel structure of the fire board, trains and ships compartment board, the activities of housing board, large-scale composite MILL With an outer plate.
Calcium silicate board The so-called asbestos board is really no asbestos?
The Etter board, which is part of the Belgian Etai Group, is a 100% non-asbestos manufacturer, which uses New Zealand imported shrub plant fibers. Is not enough to allow guests to visit the factory to watch the feeding shop when the feeding situation of the manufacturers, and the production of asbestos manufacturers can not take you to see the feeding situation.
What is the amount of tropicin in the calcium silicate board? Or how to define? What is the effect of the content on the quality of calcium silicate board?
So that calcium silicate board is actually Tremere to stone crystal with fiber reinforced. If the reaction is incomplete in the autoclave, the formation of the beta-tropicite crystals is not enough, resulting in a sharp decline in the strength of the calcium silicate board, and even cause waste (soft plate).
Is calcium carbonate board containing asbestos poisonous?
In Europe, it is expected that there will be 500,000 deaths due to lung cancer caused by asbestos pollution in 2020. In Japan, it is predicted that there will be 100,000 people in 2040. In this case, Death as long as no inhalation on the line