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How to get rid of offset printing on the stainless steel bowl
With hot water first, on and after rub it off
What the microwave bowl
Official store specialized sell tableware, Then the waiter will give you a set
Glass bowl can into the microwave oven
Microwave oven used in cooking utensils matters needing attention are as follows: One, for use in a microwave cooker 1, heat resistant glass container; 2, pottery, porcelain or casserole, etc all can use; 4, heat resistant plastic containers; 5, high temperature resistant plastic wrap; 6, aluminum foil paper, by using the principle of microwave cannot penetrate, can restrict the full heating, such as fish, chicken foot end, etc. But when using, please make sure that the aluminum foil paper and furnace chamber distance of not less than 20 mm. Second, not suitable for microwave use of cooking utensils: 1, avoid using metal ware, because the charging of iron, aluminum, stainless steel, enamel and other metal utensils; 2, avoid the use of closed containers; 3, avoid is ordinary plastic containers in microwave; 4, avoid in the shell eggs or cap did not open the sealing of the objects, such as milk; 5, avoid is microwave oven in the bedroom.
Household small bowl of a bowl of rice heat exactly is how much?
Eat rice quantity of heat low, rest assured, I usually is half a bowl of rice, half a bowl of porridge, is really good
Quick to bowl is what mean
Is the appearance of a girl half yield, do a man to a woman, woman is willing to, but don't want to say turgid, so deigned, you should know that girls are like that, anyway, meaning almost. Eat a bowl of looking at the pot, ha ha
How to remove the label on the bowl dish ~!
1, use hot water for a while, you can then remove the. 2, with the wind, just in a moment away, give it a try. 3, you can try a trial rubber. But in the beginning you may feel more clean the dirty, but to wipe a little long time, you will see the effect, this approach is tired, want to have perseverance. 4, with blisters, put a little detergent, and then use an old toothbrush brush to brush. 5, cloth dipped in alcohol or spirit erguotou wipe. Last winter I bought a basin of stainless steel, I am drying on the heater, and the labels off easily, but also didn't leave a trace. And here's what I search on the net to the east, for reference: "The stickers trademark QingChuFa" Traces on the surface of the adhesive for hard objects, we can use oil free of besmear nail polish remover on surfaces, and then with a soft cloth to wipe gently; Use industrial alcohol or gasoline can remove the marks. If these stickers to skin, and can also use a lemon juice to remove. In addition, the hand cream can also remove adhesive effect, the hand cream contains a lot of water (usually in more than 70%), the water contains a certain amount of surfactant. Surfactant has good wetting, penetration, dissolving ability, can quickly permeate between adhesive and surface, thus achieve the purpose of clearing. You can also find some similar products, such as creams, lotions, washing spirit also has the same effect. For more stubborn carpet adhesive, the best way is to put the carpet nap at the top of the stickers carefully mark cut off. Other methods strategy: 1, add a few ammonia with soap and a mixture of turpentine oil, can remove a lot of dirt and the glass surface more luster, this article is suitable for ceramic tile, ceramic, glass, etc.). 2, repeatedly with viscous good cellophane tape stick tear, can remove some of surface
Chosen is HuaMei made a purchase in east Asia black glass bowl tasks (like bought from Beijing to hangzhou) is completed Not to buy in the board of trade to do!!!!!
Don't worry about it, first to earn money, dozen battle, to complete the other drama, after a period of time will automatically appear in trade unions, because the item is story missions, will not disappear completely because side quests!
Stainless steel bowl can be placed in the microwave oven inside?
The stainless steel bowl can't in the microwave. The reason: Conductor in the shielding of the microwave electromagnetic field when charge will be back in the conductor surface distribution, resulting in a potential difference. If the difference is large enough words may produce arc through the air, connect metal containers and other metal conductor (often microwave oven wall). The arc may hit on microwave oven wall, or damage to the microwave oven magnetron, and other electronic components. Microwave oven use safety precautions: 1, packing box, such as never drinks into the microwave oven, because contained a lot of tin, not only can't heating, will scorch. 2, don't use common plastic containers in the microwave, dangerous. 3, frozen meat must first thaw in the microwave oven, and then heating for cooked food. 4, don't use metal utensils, such as iron, aluminum, stainless steel, enamel and other metal utensils. 5, when heating should be used wide mouth containers, because food heated in sealed container as it is not easy to heat, high pressure container, easy cause spray explosion accidents. 6, don't let the cling film in contact with food. 7, the window of heat dissipation on the microwave gate not covered by items. 8, after open the microwave oven, people should be away from the oven or microwave oven at least above 1 m distance. Pregnant women and children had better not be close to the microwave oven. 9, microwave ovens should often wash, especially the residue on the door, to avoid due to the door closed lax microwave leakage.