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How to get rid of offset printing on the stainless steel bowl
With hot water first, on and after rub it off
A bowl of tag how to quickly get rid of
If the wooden furniture or desktop marks of viscose paper residue, can be coated on the surface traces, lubricating oil left after a night with a soft cloth to wipe, can thoroughly remove, and will not damage furniture paint. In addition, still can use toothpaste, nail polish remover to remove traces of cellulose paper residue, the result is right also. If the metal bowl, China above price tag is very difficult to remove, can use hair dryer on the label with hot air blowing, blowing glue melts, with a tear.
Stainless steel bowl bottom tear to a trademark stickers printed at the bottom, with a lot of ways to use!
Use hair dryer blowing on trademark, blowing from the bottom side edge tear is ok, because the blower is hot, you can blow dry offset printing of trademark.
Quick to bowl is what mean
Quick come to bowl, this seemingly meaningless words actually contains a deep implication. Everyone knows this sentence from a chocolate AD. The hero can be effortless to seize struggling to resist chocolate, deliberately said 1: "quick to bowl". He wanted to enjoy the happiness, that to master each other the pleasure of life and death. While trying to use chocolate bread rebellion, but for the protagonist is completely throw straws against the wind. He took the bowl of waiting for the chocolate to die means to tell him: "small kind don't rebel, but you do to me. Or did you come over time. "he was totally enjoying chocolate desperate struggle. In fact, it is like a cat catches the mice don't eat directly, but rather to play with death as truth. Irony for some people, these people caught the other people's weaknesses or shortcomings, will try their best to torture others slowly, as if not enough, just not voluntarily, what if someone else made a mistake, criticism, perhaps that kind of person will be in a certain corner stealthily smirk. As for the chocolate that "you can't change a bigger bowl" is to let me sad. Have been put on the execution ground chocolate don't have too much desire for life. He hope is just before death can not be in such a narrow space, let him feel free to die, he is satisfied. How simple ideas.
Children eat with silver bowl is good?
Benefits: silver ion bactericidal effect is very good, no harm to human body and silver. The downside: if it is not pure silver have harm to the body, want to use with sterling silver, or not directly.
Is this... Just didn't pay attention to put rice bowl off heat to the... The rice can eat
If the food is filled in the metal container to heat, even burned for an hour, the food container temperature will not increase, this is because to reflect microwaves metal containers immediately after all, the food without heat source to heat. More dangerous thing is yet to come, all because of the high frequency microwave reflection back, was formed on the electronic technology "high frequency short circuit", which can lead to emission of microwave tube anode produce high temperature, burn to the redness and damage.
Make it a habit to wash the dishes after dinner, and after washing bowl as far as possible don't leave the water in it. (this is a folk taboo, don't tell me science)
Very smart, I today also see this sentence in one space. I am also very strange why. I just thought of a terrible his own answer, that is: if you don't wash bowl, there will be for you to eat the rest of the rice in the bowl. By the same token, the water is the same. I think Mr. Anyway, I see the log is very afraid. orz
My world bowl to do
Empty empty Wood empty wood The empty wooden