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Why does it hurt so much when I sit?
start programs accessories remote desktop connection
What are the safety clothing do I need to be an industrial electrician?
First take a deep breath. 1. they sell mattress protectors that are ideal for pregnant women who are about to pop. They are relatively cheap no more then twenty dollars. 2. It depends on the individual. It can go Either way sometimes your pains will start before anything else will happen.this is how most people have started labor. 3 like i said in 2 it can be before or after and it depends on your body hun
I was a little careless filling my antifreeze (not 50/50) this morning. It was 17 degrees, and I rushed. Some spilled on the engine that I wasn't able to wipe up with a towel. Couldn't reach it. Driving to work, I distinctly smelled antifreeze, and now am scared my engine's going to catch fire. Is this a valid concern? If it is, do I need to hose down my engine, or what steps should I take? I saw warnings not to drink the stuff, but nothing about flammability on the jug.Thank you!
I think a few people might be interested in free-leasing a mini. My dad and I were just talking about it the other day, actually. We have a pony that lives in an almost 2-acre pasture in our backyard. We love him, but I think he would love company. Our neighbor's horses are too agressive and they're about 17 hands compared to his 13. Also our pony has shared pastures with giant racehorses prior to when we got him. We think a mini might be a good idea for a pasture mate. I'm sure there are some people with a situation like ours that would love to free-lease a mini. I would recommend having an off-site lease as an option. Just be careful- there are lots of complications with leasing. Make sure you have a contract that includes who pays for emergencies, and have recommendations from other people about their horse-caring ability. Also visit their house before, and if possible, during the mini's time at their house. Advertise on craigslist, or other websites, and also through word of mouth. Good luck!! :)
I need it to make something
3M makes a product that's called Stripe removal disk. They are thin plastic floppy disks that you attach to your drill and it will remove the decal with out harming the paint. You can find them in any major paint store that sells 3M products. Make sure you don't stay in one place to long or it will burn the paint. Or you can use a plastic razor blade and a decal remover solvent.
I packed blankets around the base of my leaky water heater. Will my house burn down?
Go to the automotive store or the home center store and get a roll of reflective material. You squeegee it on and trim the edges to make it fit. You will still be able to see out, but on the outside it's like looking at a mirror. The suns rays will be reflected away from the room and that should go a long way toward cooling the room. Good Luck AL Edit: What? That's crazy! Do Not use dark fabrics for curtains, they will absorb heat and bring it into the room. It you are going to put up drapes, be sure that they are eithe a light ( white ) color, or have a liner that is light colored. Light colors reflect light and heat, dark colors absorb light and heat! AL
We have like 50 power outlets going around the room. So i looked around the class and so no fire extinguisher or alarm the only extinguisher is in the main office? is this legal?
It does strike in the same place. It is highly rare to strike at the same spot in the same storm. But in different storms it is likely.
I am pretty appalled at the price of practice skin for tattooing, and I've read some forums online where people have used gum rubber sheets like grommets are made from instead, at a much cheaper rate. From what I read, it is pretty comparable to human skin, and actually a bit better than the practice skin. What other kinds of rubbers would work well?
You are a dog You don't have any real knowledge what a smoke detector is or what it does You have extremely sensitive hearing You hear this crazy loud, high-pitched noise You don't know what it means You are trying to be quiet so as not to be attacked by the noise while also trying to find safety You are worried about your people, but they seem okay with whatever is going on This noise is so horrible it feels like it is an ice-pick in your ears Does that help you understand? in 2007, we had a total loss housefire that started in the apartment above us Huge historic home cut into 3 apartments, I was on bottom floor I was not at home, I was at Vocational Rehab. in the lobby on the TV, I saw the house engulfed in flames I am certain that fire alarms were going off.. they had to be there were 7 fire trucks with 27 firemen on the scene I did not know if my dog was even alive I called the BBQ place across the street The manager grabbed one of the homeless guys from the park (manager knew that Tommy knew my Remie dog) Tommy asked firemen they had not even tried to get into my apartment they were on main floor, I was bottom floor Tommy went to side of house busted out bedroom window Fire was in every other area of my apartment Saw Remie laying near the window apparently passed out from fumes or heat Tommy saved Remie on the rare occasions that the fire alarm goes off these days Remie is running life-or-death, full-speed ahead into windows trying to get out of the house I seriously doubt, if your dog had experience with a house fire, that she would be so calm as to tip-toe around the house
Umbrella and soft box shaped light what is the difference
In Japan this umbrella is used more and more. The light reflecting umbrella. The difference between hard soft box with the umbrella is big.