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Stainless Steel Smoker Box Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Stainless Steel Smoker Box supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Stainless Steel Smoker Box firm in China.

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Assuming that it is safe to do so as far as people not getting hurt, will it damage the electrical equipment?
Some appliances like for instance your computer require a shutdown routine in sequence to be happy. Your computer will complain and cry if you suddenly pull the power and the disk or data may be damaged by sudden disconnect but usually nothing major will happen except loss of your photo or video or term paper. most of the hardware must withstand sudden shutdown but it is not a good routine to practice.
I know that means i'll choose my job at basic but does it mean that I could get a job I don't want? I really want to do Biomedical Equipment Tech.
Biomedical equipment is part of the Electrical Area, so you do have the chance to get that, but of course, you can get another electrical job that you don't like as much.
i mean how much money does the electrical utility consider for load shedding (for 1kilo watt) in USA?
Load shedding doesn't cost the utility company anything. It saves them money when it prevents a system wide brown- or blackout. Load shedding means that the customers participate in a program to shut down some electrical loads in their individual buildings. This might happen whenever the utility grid is in danger of having to produce more electricity than the combined capacity of all the available generating equipment on the system. If there are any costs involved, it might be the lost revenue to the utility from the sales of electricity above the generating capacity or the lost production if one of the customers has to shut down revenue producing equipment.
As your career develops, what opportunities open up for the senior engineer with experience in Electrical or Electronics Engineering?
Engineers have all doors open to them in both the technical and managerial aspect. With Electrical or Electronics Engineering, you can become a manager of any IT firm or any electricity company. All electrodomestic equipment require as well some sort of electric department which should be ran under an electrical engineer. Construction companies also use electrical engineers to map circuits in houses. Engineers are also suited for business administration and are even preferred over people who studied business management because of their technical knowledge and analytical thinking.
Curiosity just got the best of me. To be electrocuted one should make a complete circuit, right? What if you just touch the live wire and nothing else, you're not standing on anything, no ground. you're in mid air. Any thoughts? Thanks
yes and it can be really bad
After all, the whole point of ATEX certification is that it doesn't make a fire. One would think if you can safely use something in an explosive atmosphere you can use it on shabbos. By the same token a shabbos light should be safe to use in an explosive atmosphere.
When I was in fourth grade, the science teacher taught us the physics definition of work and explained how it differs from the everyday definition of work Much like that -- Jewish legal definitions of Hebrew words do not always line up perfectly with the everyday use of English words that aproximate them. With electrical items, the prohibition of fire is only one of the prohibitions to be aware of for Shabbat -- off the top of my head, there is also boneh (building) and bishul (cooking) On the reverse side -- your logic does not hold in even the most basic English definition. It is only the Karaites that believe there is a Shabbat prohibition of fire, the normative prohibition is on making fire and putting out fire -- thus, there are quite a few devices used on Shabbat that are straight forwardly on fire (well, heck -- just think of the candles themselves!!!) A Shabbat lamp is simply always on - but has some cover to keep the light from bothering. Hopefuly, this whole structure is well insulated (I don't know -- never used one)
I know that I need to get an oscilloscope and a power supply but is there something else that I should plan on getting?
Probably the best tools are a good quality digital multi meter, high voltage Pliers . oscilloscope is pretty expensive and is mostly usefull for Electronics not Electrical. Electronic is the voltages between 0-90 V and everything that you work more than 90V is Electrical and in that rate you must use saftey tools, which have been made for this purpose. If you are an electronics engineer who want to desige and make PCBs you need some softwares like Protel on your PC. if you like to work with Microcontrollers, you need some compiler and programmer specially made to program your microprocessors. A good clean workbench will help you to work properly, so it is better to buy some plastic shelves to put your components in . Don't forget to buy at least two breadboard, they will help you to test your projects before making PCBs, but be aware that Breadboard is not a good thing for high frequency projects. have a good one
I just don't understand it, what does it mean when people say 3 phase or 2 phase Voltage, I know higher phases are used to power bigger more voltage demanding things but what does it mean?Can you get both AC and DC in each phase?Is phase just basically saying higher phase higher voltage for higher voltage equipment?How do you convert between phases?Are high phases created with the use of transformers or can they be created directly from things like wind turbines?What is the maximum and minimum phase?How does the phase effect the amps?
First off you need to realize that AC power is 60 cycle sine wave that goes from positive to negative. (50hz in europe). With 3 phase power you have 3 hot circuits. The peak voltage happen at a different time on each of the 3 hot circuits. You can not have any phases in DC power because DC is a constant voltage, it does not cycle from positive to negative. Higher phase does not higher voltage. You term high phase makes no sense. It's either a 3 phase circuit or a single phase circuit. A single phase circuit is when you have just one hot wire. Like your wall outlet. Note that you can get a single phase circuit by just using one part of a 3 phase circuit. Phase does not affects amps. To make a 3 phase circuit from a single phase circuit you need a motor/generator.