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Stainless Steel Tool Box Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Stainless Steel Tool Box supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Stainless Steel Tool Box firm in China.

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Are you taught job skills required to work for a company? or are you trained to specifically do a job like they trust your knowledge and teach you specifics?
Simply put: You are expected to know all the ways the job can be done. They will tell you which way they want it done.
I have a hot tub connected to a fused disconnect. That is fed from a 30 Amp circuit breaker in my main panel. I was told that i needed to have it protected by a GFCI breaker. Would it satisfy the NEC if i just replaced the current 30 amp breaker with a 30 amp GFCI breaker and left the disconnect between that and the hot tub?
Curley, as I remember, one of your videos showed you and the other stooges connecting water pipes to the electrical conduits and the natural gas pipes, and then running water through these. Well ok, you did pull all of the wy-yas out of your electrical conduit before attaching the water lines to them. But I really think you should leave the home repairs to more qualified people, don't you think?
I need to cut a hole through 2(ish)cm of metal, or some sort of composite material I have at home to feed a few wires through. Is it possible to do it without any electrical equipment?
A pneumatic drill
I live in Houston texas and am planning on getting a degree in either electrical or mechanical engineering. What do they both involve? Which is better pay and more job offering?
Mechanical engnieering obviously! (And I'm not being biased at all .) But if you've taken Physics already, depending on the sections that you were good at or were interested in, you can tell which field is better for you. If you liked working with mechanical systems (i.e. forces, accelerations, kinematics, and predicting the motion / behavior of elements in a system) then you would love being a mechanical engineer. But if you found circuits and resistors inductors and capacitors fun (and not confusing at all), then you should lean towards electrical engineering.
Examples include-Unplug your wireless router for 30 seconds and then plug back inUnplug all elerical cords for 45 seconds then plug back inWhy do they recommend a specific amount of time?
It's called a power cycle and that 30 to 45 seconds give any capacitors in the circuit time to discharge, wiping out any unwanted trash. Power cycles can clear lots funky little annoying issues in electronic and digital devices.
How can I ensure my computer is properly backed up and the back-up files are unaffected by the sun? Would putting everything on CDs and DVDs work? Which would be better; an external hard disk drive or an external optical hard drive or jusr DVDs/CDs?
The okorder
Hi,My friend said i need a surge protector for all my electrical equipment otherwise they could mess up?
It should already be built into the laptop. However, you don't need a $100 surge protector, computer stores have many for less than $20 (or hardware stores). Try there first, it wouldnt hurt to have extra protection.
I work on a plant where my workers have to trouble shoot low DC control voltage circuits besides high voltages ac running machines which are operated by inverters as well as from direct ac powerNeed a document or some tips to prevent electrical shocks and for electrician guidance
Work only in dry environments. No water on the floor. Plug AC powered test equipment into a GFCI protected circuit. Really no safety issues on DC voltages under 50V. Only handle electrical leads with one hand. Keep the other in your pocket. Rubber mats to stand on. Rubber gloves worn inside leather gloves Face shield and arc-flash rated clothing when working on anything over 50VAC.