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What is the opposite of tall buildings?
large extensive underground complexes, such Nuclear missile silos. The bulk is underground. with only a little above the surface, while the bulk of a skyscraper is above ground while only the foundation is below ground
I was watching some videos of russian ICBMs and they have weak thrust and flames which propels them slowly out of the silo, and then a lot of thrust and flame accelerates it into the air, like a second, more powerful motor kicked in. Why is it like that?Do these rockets use solid rocket fuel?
It is not that they have a weak thrust at the beginning, but that something that massive takes time to get moving. The thrust on those rockets are incredibly powerful, but when something weighs a hundreds tons, you can't expect it to take off like a high performance sports car. What you usually see coming out of the silo is the same motor propelling the missile. It is just that when the motor is still in the silo, the thrust is confined to a certain area inside that you cannot see. When it finally exits the silo, it is no longer confined and makes a huge blast as it spreads out all around. It was the same motor, just not confined to a silo anymore. It should be noted though that some of these ICBM's do indeed contain several motors just like the space shuttle. In some cases you would be right, that these missiles have an initial motor to blast them out of the silo and then a main motor to blast them into the atmosphere. In things like subs, the missile does not contain a launching motor, but is surrounded by a pocket of air. When it is launched, the force of the air rising blasts the missile to the surface and once it breaks the water line, the motor kicks in and it is launched. For an example of this, scroll to about 2:40 in the video below and watch. And yes, most modern ICBM's use solid fuel because it is safer and easier to store. One of the problem with liquid fuel is that it needed to be kept cold. It would often boil off due to the surrounding temperature and cause ice to form on everything. This meant that the ICBM's could not be kept fueled and had to be fueled before launch causing a delay in response time.
Thank you in advance. I have been very sick lately and missed a lot of school so these questions have been difficult for me. Also, math was never my strong suit even before I got sick. I have all A's other than this class. Any help or explanations are much appreciated.
The scale factor of the blueprint of a shopping mall to the actual shopping mall is 1in/18ft . The area of the mall on the blueprint is 190 in2. What is the area of the actual shopping mall? A] 61,560 ft2 12. The scale factor of a model of a grain silo to the actual silo is 1 to 10. The volume of the actual silo is 550 m3. What is the volume of the model?
How long can you hold wheat or rice in a commercial silo before it is no longer usable - i.e the flour will no longer rise?
it can hold it for more than a few weeks
I can day 'well, at least THAT never happened'Does anyone think we've lost perspective on the lesson of that period? (which arguably, we're still in, a lot of them are still out there, armed)
Niet... I have never seen one.
Is the United States still selling Minuteman and othe types of missile silos to the public? I have seen them as converted homes. Where would I find this information?Thanks.
Good question. I've also seen them converted into very unique homes. I wish I had a definitive answer.
A rancher in Beaumont decides to build a silo inside his corral. The rectangular corral measures 20 m by 15 m and the silo's base is circular with a diameter of x meters. Find a polynomial for the remaining area of the corral (in square meters) after the silo is built.
Area of corral including silo = 20*15 = 300 m^2 area of silo = pi(x/2)^2 m^2 Area of corral not including silo = 300 - pi(x/2)^2 m^2
A storage silo on a farm has the shape of a cylinder with a radius of 8 meters and a height of 20 meters. What is the volume of the silo?
πr?h = π8?*20 = 1280π ? 4021 m?