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What is the reason for poor car cooling system?
serious damage to the engine, wear increased
How should the car cooling system be maintained?
Fan belt tightness check and adjust: fan belt tightness is too small, not only affect the cooling air volume and the engine load increases, and due to slip and accelerated belt wear. If the belt tightness is too large, will accelerate the pump bearings, generator bearing wear. Therefore, in use should check the belt tightness, if necessary, should be adjusted. If it does not meet the requirements, you can change the position of the generator and adjust the arm to adjust.
How long will the cooling system in the car care be maintained?
In harsh areas of the climate, the coolant should be replaced every year and the car cooling system should be flushed twice. Once at the beginning of summer, once at the beginning of winter.
What is the composition of the water-cooled water cycle? What is the composition of the water pump? Water pump structure has several parts of the composition? How to replace the pump and preload the pump belt? How to detect the good performance of the thermostat ? How to correctly replace the coolant? Radiator excessive scale of the treatment methods which lead to the engine water cooling system is the main reason for the high temperature?
The problem is very complicated, but the answer is very simple. The engine is divided into oil, circuit, cooling system. The main function of the cooling system is to heat the engine. But the oil also has the role of heat. The engine has a sink, circulation, water tank, cooling fan. And a spare kettle. Loop is the tank to the engine ah, and then come back. The pump is an individual and has a fan. If the pump is broken need to be replaced, put the bad removed to replace the new on the line, but to adjust the size of the generator to Panasonic belt, and tighten the belt. The performance of the thermostat can be removed when the hot water with hot water, if you can bounce is normal, and vice versa is bad. When the replacement of water or coolant when the water tank under the drain valve to open, run the coolant after the discharge valve installed, the introduction of new coolant. After filling the car to cool the liquid circulation, Tim enough coolant, cover the water tank cover, fill the spare kettle can be. The reason for the high temperature of the engine is 1, lack of coolant. 2, the cycle is not good. 3, the cooling fan does not work. 4, too much scale in the tank. 5, the speed is too slow.
Classification of cooling systems
Cooling system in accordance with the different cooling medium can be divided into air-cooled and water-cooled. If the high-temperature parts of the engine heat directly into the atmosphere and the cooling device called air-cooled system. And the heat first passed to the cooling water, and then into the atmosphere and the cooling device called water cooling system. As the water cooling system cooling evenly, the effect is good, and the engine running noise is small, the current widely used motor vehicle water cooling system.
The purpose of the vehicle to pressurize the cooling system
The engine cooling system consists of radiator cover, radiator, storage tank, hose, water pump, fan, thermostat (thermostat), cylinder and cylinder head and intake manifold
Computer host cooling system which is good
Now most of the computers are still used in the air-cooled, in general, is enough. But some cpu heat is very large, you need to use water to cold, but the price is relatively high, and most of the custom.
What is the working principle of a car cooling system?
Mainly through the pump to surround the cylinder water jacket in the coolant to speed up the flow through the running of the natural wind and electric fan, so that the coolant in the radiator cooling, cooling the coolant again into the water jacket, To achieve the cooling of the engine.