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Home improvement in light steel keel, gypsum board dragon card and can be resistant to which good?
Now the best on the market is the Lafarge gypsum board, can be resistant and dragon card compared to the words of the Dragon card advantage, but the promise of keel and gypsum tape is better. Another alternative to gypsum board is calcium silicate board, higher than the gypsum board grade a layer
Which glue is suitable for sticky gypsum board, for a long time.
Is the ceiling a gypsum board ceiling? Sand with the sand to polish the exposed gypsum board, clean the dust, and then glue the glass glue
Stairs on top of the gypsum board ceiling how to install 20KG heavy crystal lamp?
With a little bit of a little thick high-strength screws directly knock on the woodworking board is not on the line, I help others ceiling are placed in the light position put a woodworking board
Gypsum board ceiling installation corner must be seven-shaped
You should say is mineral wool gypsum board bar (specifications 600 × 600 or 600 × 1200), the corner must be used piece "L" type, or take the sub-bone and edge aluminum. Norms also have this requirement.
Gypsum board inside the keel with what method can be found?
There is a magnet to suck, of course, the magnetic magnet larger. With a needle bar: in the vicinity of about keel bar a few times, does not affect the decoration beautiful.
Paper gypsum board non-stick paper and resurgence is what reason
Face paper and gypsum core bonding bad, resulting in bare core or local non-stick paper problems. This type of problem with the face paper, raw material quality and drying and other production processes. First, the paper's polish degree of Gray is too high, too high or too low water absorption, are likely to cause rapid loss of water, and lead to bad knot; Second, the raw material gypsum grade is too low, impurities or K, Na and other harmful impurities are too high, affecting the bonding of paper and gypsum core. Third, the construction of gypsum coagulation time is too slow, before entering the drying area failed to completely solidification or false coagulation phenomenon, resulting in the construction of gypsum is not fully hydrated, so that the dry sheet after the paper. Fourth, the molding, drying speed can not be adjusted with the face of the paper or slurry fluctuations, resulting in the breathability of protective paper, water absorption and drying speed of the uncoordinated, gypsum slurry coagulation time and molding speed of incongruity , Resulting in paper and gypsum core of non-bonding or sheet burned. Fifth, the slurry is too thin, uneven foam, dry sheet after the large pores or too concentrated and other reasons will cause paper, the core of the poor bond.
What are the applications of building gypsum in architecture?
The glass fiber, paper or mineral wool and other materials and construction gypsum mixed into a paperless fiber gypsum board, its bending strength and elastic modulus are higher than the paper gypsum board. Fiber gypsum board is mainly used for building walls, ceiling and prefabricated gypsum board composite wall panels.
Gypsum board can not directly stick to the wall
Light steel keel wall, this is a bit complicated to do, if you have this method of intention, I can give you the production of the node map, you can refer to the drawings produced