Geogrid Grass Pavers

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The graduation project requires a general assembly drawing of the paver, preferably the TITAN series.. 423 is best, others are ok. Thank you
Would you like someone to give you the TITAN423 breakdown atlas and assembly dimensions? Dude, what do you want? Even the ABG headquarters would not require a graduate to design a paver.
What's the speed of the asphalt paver? I mean a range, not a particular model
ABG423 cement stabilized macadam 1--3 M / min.ABG423 asphalt concrete 2--4 M / min.Then according to the quantity and the scene in your case
What's the difference between the ABG8820 paver and the 8620?
8620, Shaanxi construction assembly,ABG8820 is imported.Therefore, the difference between imports and domestic, quality aspects of the domestic current is not good.Paver is a kind of construction equipment which is mainly used for paving material on the base and surface of highway.It is composed of various systems to cooperate with each other, including walking system, hydraulic system, transportation and distribution system, and so on.
31 paver screw pump pressure in which tune?
Oil valves limit engine oil pressure. Limiting maximum pressure.The pressure sensor is connected in the oil circuit of the pressure sensor.Description: start the engine, engine oil, press the pump to increase the pressure, for the engine lubrication system to provide pressure, lubricating oil. Start the moment, if the engine oil pressure is insufficient, the sensor is passed to the control system, the engine can not start, but some machines do not have this system.
Technical maintenance of paver
1, daily maintenance (1) clean paver: remove the paver surface accumulation of mud sand and asphalt; remove the engine, hydraulic components and other components on the surface of dust and grease. Be careful not to pour dirt into the gas inlet and air filter. (2) inspect the nozzle, connecting pipe, air tank and switch of the heating system. (3) check the paver parts connecting and fastening, especially around the track beam and frame, screed, feeding device and the scraper conveyor device the connecting bolts are loose or broken, when necessary to tighten or replacement. (4) check and exclude the leakage of various parts. (5) check the engine oil, fuel, coolant and hydraulic oil quantity, and add new oil to the oil mark according to the regulation. (6) check whether the grease in the centralized lubrication unit is right or not. (7) check whether the blade of the screw distributor is cracked, if it should be replaced. (8) check whether the electrical plug is loose or not. 2, periodic technical maintenance (1), after running in 50h technical maintenance content before putting into use, paver should be 50h test run, otherwise, may not be put into use. The running in of 50h shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations in the engine operation instructions. Running after the end of the test run, shall carry out technical maintenance according to the following contents: 1. The replacement of diesel engine: engine put old oil, then add new oil; after short-term operation, immediately check the oil level in the specified height.
A paver shall be equipped with several water stable pavement
(4) the health of cement stabilized layer of rolling forming, should pay attention to early maintenance, strength of normal development, especially in the 1 week after construction, lime soil surface should be kept moist, the covering sacks of wet smelting curing method, at least water 2 times a day, not to send lime soil surface. All vehicles are prohibited during the period of health. (5) quality control measures: flatness can be guaranteed by both sides of the vertical mold, and in the middle of the road, each 5m hit a Gao Chengzhuang, set a cube mesh, in order to detect and detect deviations in a timely manner. The initial pressure of each layer with 3M Aluminum Alloy ruler check flatness, timely chipping, leveling, concave should be turned loose after finishing, revision depth shall not be less than 10 cm. The seam roadway with half construction, using ladder miter joints. The seams on the upper and lower floors should be staggered. Transverse joints also adopts vertical joints, non mitered vertical joint production must be strictly in accordance with the regulations. Shrinkage and cracking and construction joints in the construction and maintenance of lime soil during the processing by 400g/m2 geotextile, prevent crack reflection to the asphalt surface layer.
Where is the paver's operation permit?
At present, excavators, loaders and other types of construction machinery has not belong to special equipment, does not involve special operations, therefore, is no longer a special operation certificate..
How much money Volvo paver
Domestic Volvo 8820, if an acquaintance, about 1 million 500 thousand ---200 million.Work is by no means worse than importsBecause I am now the founding of the 8820