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Is the carbon crystal warmer than the other? Where is it?
Carbon crystal to warm the advantages of: 1. durable and reliable carbon crystal to warm all underground buried parts can guarantee more than 50 years of service life. Carbon crystal heating plate can guarantee 100,000 hours of continuous work without trouble. 2. Heating efficiency of high-carbon crystal tiger ridge Hong Kong Fan Fan huan song but attack the warm heating plate "electric --- hot" conversion efficiency is extremely high, by the national professional testing, "electricity --- hot" conversion rate to More than 99%. 3. Heating speed Fast carbon crystal to warm the board of the excellent surface heating characteristics, so that the system work, to maximize the entire ground plane at the same time, synchronous heating. Is the fastest heating rate to warm the system. 4. Construction of a simple carbon crystal to warm the minimum to meet customer "one square meter" of heating requirements. 100m2 to warm the installation of construction, a group of workers (2) a day and can be laid to install the construction is completed. 5. Health and environmental protection situation, heating up quickly, fever fast. Power 30 minutes to heat. Carbon crystal heating plate directly on the indoor radiation heat, the temperature rise faster than the traditional plumbing and heating cable more than 5 times faster.
My house in 2004 the house, an area of 35 flat, small layer, the second floor (downstairs garage), geothermal building comes with, and now the heat is not hot, home temperature also 12-13 degrees, is the district property heating, looking for They have to put a few times the water, but also no effect on the door neighbors say that we are almost home and upstairs, 8th floor neighbor said that there are 17-18 degrees home, I would like to know, what is the reason? Geothermal cleaning company to clean the sea and OKorder fucking cough cough Feng anchor, cleaning once can improve the number of degrees will not heat the bad ah? If there is cleaning the heroes, recommend a better cleaning of the geothermal cleaning company. many
Which brand is good to do it?
Upstairs to say, to warm is not a finished product system, but through the combination of various accessories. Boilers, manifolds, piping systems are important parts. Boiler, the commonly used brands are Bosch, Smith and so on. The Bosch brand is big, but the boiler is not professional ah. The Bosch is famous for their tools. The The Smith is known as the Italian machine imports. The While Italy is the world's top-of-the-line boiler. The The Domestic brands are also many. But also more complex, I know so much. The
What is the difference between a warm water and a water separator?
To warm the need to water separator, only the installation of heating pieces are different
Floor heating system
To warm the mixing device can make the warm and warm air for the common share of a hot water heat, no longer need to set up a separate low-temperature heat source. The warm-water cooling device is converted into low-temperature and large-flow circulating water by mixing the high-temperature water supply with the partial low-temperature backwater. The main function is to improve the safety and comfort of the heating system to ensure the energy saving The The role of the heating device is to solve the high temperature heat source installation to warm one of the methods is to use the warm heat after the low temperature backwater and high temperature water supply to provide the appropriate temperature of the heating water, compared with other cooling methods are simple and convenient, The advantages of temperature stability. The warm water mixing device is composed of mixed water circulation pump (household usually shielded pump), mixed water parts, temperature control valve method, and temperature, temperature sensor and over temperature protection. The high temperature water source through the mixing device into the ground heating system, and after the warm coil to cool the temperature after the lower temperature of the warm water back in the mixed water components to mix, mix the appropriate temperature of the water through the booster pump into the water separator, And then through the warm coil cooling heat. The booster pump in the device is used to provide the power of the mixed water. In the mixed water system, the mixing water component must have the function of controlling the temperature of the mixed water at the set value and avoid the change of the mixed water temperature as the water supply temperature changes. Mixing parts in different products have different forms, such as self-heating remote control valve, constant temperature mixing valve, electric two-way valve, electric three-way valve, mixed water tank, four-way control valve.
On the Internet to see a lot of carbon crystal wall warm really so good? And some say that the carbon wall of the wall a lot of shortcomings, the quality is not very good to hatch a lotus clip clip off the locust table Wei Bo even, my family ready to install, ask the next carbon crystal wall warm in the end how? More
Convenient, want to open on the relevant off, I used Shang Wo, the effect is very good, especially for the elderly, children, new things always came into being, so certainly better than the previous heating method, the house long idle , The most convenient, and still 20 minutes to let the house heat up, very good
Can home heating heat sinks be placed under the TV?
Can not, the following hot air will bring up the dust, look at the warmer above the walls are more dirty to know
Water tank plus electric heating tube to give warm when the heat source
If you only use this water when heating, it is possible. But pay attention to the cycle