Cr2 3 Volt Lithium Battery

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Use 8 AA batteries (1.5V per section) to get a battery pack with a voltage of 9.6V
In theory you get 8V battery pack with 8 AA batteries. The battery phase string, the voltage is added to the theoretical combination of voltage, but because of the battery resistance, often the actual battery voltage is less than the theoretical voltage.
I ordered a canon powershot g10 and just realized i got a lithium battery pack NOT a lithium-ion battery pack.I have heard lithium-ion lasts much longer.However it says I could buy a 2 - 5 hour extended life battery for the lithium battery.Should I cancel the order and buy a pack with lithium-ion? Or just buy one of the extended life batteries?
??it sounds like your talking about Canon the song, and lithium the song. i'm sorry im not help.
Hi, recently been give a Venom recharge station for my birthday to charge my Wiimotes, however, when the batteries are removed and the replaced with the rechargeable packs they lose Sync with the Wii, I can't Sync using the red button as when I remove the backplate, the battery packs come away with them and there is no hole in the pack to give me access to the button with the packs on. ARRRRRGGGH! Any help out there?
I Suggest u just switch the batteries from a tv remote sync it then put the battery pack in. Or u can try to stick a safety pin. But once you sync it u can take the batteries out and change them and it will still be synced
here are the two links that will help you
The plane clearly states that it requires a 1000mAh 9.6v battery pack. It does not describe what type of battery connector is used, so you are going to be taking a chance any way you go. The batteries they list as 'customers also bought' are 7.4v packs, and 7.4v will not work well with this plane at all. Contact the seller. Here is their contact page: rc-hobbies .uk/contact_us.p Find out which batter is the right spare battery. That way, there will be no guess work. Good luck!
I bought a Canon VIXIA HF R300 Camcorder a few months ago, and I noticed a message saying to change the battery pack almost as soon as I turned it on. I just decided to wait and see what that meant, since I didn't know why it would need it; I had literally just gotten the camera. Now when I turn on the video camera it says that message every time, and when I go to look at the videos I've recorded it pops up there too. When I'm recording the battery drains REALLY fast. Why is it doing this?How do I fix it?
Are you charging the battery according to the instructions in the manual? If so, you have a defective battery.
i was going to buy a 3DS, but was dissapointed with the 3-5 hour battery life. are there any portable chargers or battery packs to expand the battery life or charge it with a pre charged charger???
A) You shouldn't be playing video games for more than 3-5 hours at a time anyway, though I can understand if you're worried about being away from a place to charge. B) Turn down the brightness as much as comfortable, and turn off the 3-D when you're not using it. That will help a lot.
I was thinking of getting a mercury mariner hybrid, since I needed the cargo space, and wanted an SUV that got good gas mileage. I know that SUV hybrid packs are expensive, but some say the batteries can even outlast the car. Just to be safe, I wanna know where I can find one online, in case I ever need one in the future, so I can see firsthand how much they cost. I think the estimates I've read online are totally exaggerated. I've heard people paying $1200 to $6000 to replace battery packs. That's why I wanna see firsthand how much they actually cost. So, where do I find one?
Those prices are ball park and most likely include installation. Since different vehicles have different batteries, different configurations, etc, there will be a wide variability. Most dealerships will be the place to replace the batteries and it is beyond most home mechanics to do it safely. Ford/Mercury have numerous hidden warranties they do not talk about, and most manufacturers do this. They are likely to be silent about these ahead of a purchase, but they should be upfront about the battery packs, and what the corporate policy is regarding them. Some have reluctantly agreed to a replacement pack, even extending it to the next purchaser. They will not outlast the vehicle. 3 maybe 4 years tops, with a conventional loan these days, the person who makes payment 1 will in most cases not be the person making payment 60 or 72. So most initial purchasers will not see the battery replacement. They will pay a deductable, which covers the labor of the replacement, or a good portion of it.
I just got a new battery pack from the mail i follow the instructions and it won't turn on so i call Microsoft and they tolled me that there is nothing they can do but a similar friend had a problem and he fixed it but he moved away and I can't contact him can someone please help me Thankz
get a new battery pack? and it's spelt told