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I just purchased a LCD monitor last night after using a CRT monitor for 15 years. I feel funny. :( I don't know what is wrong with me but something is not right. I have adjusted so many settings and I cant quite place what it is. I dont see any flickering, but it seems I have to strain. I do have bad eyes anyway. I also have seizures. I have always viewed my screen at 800x600. I know lots of people dont like this setting. Anyway, I tried the suggested setting, and several others and the only one that looks right is still 800x600. It seems so much bigger on the LCD monitor though. It is a 19inch, and I had been using a 17inch CRT.I just dont know whats wrong, but somethings not right. Anyone else ever have this type of problem when changing from CRT to LCD?
I've heard a few times that you are supposed to look away from the display every 20 mins or so. Look at a colorful image on the wall or something.
if i have a lcd computer monitor with DVI and DSUB outlets on the back, can i connnect this to a regular dvd player and play dvds?thanks
Not by itself. For an analog only DVD player, you need a VGA TV tuner, or TV to VGA converter box. If your player supports component, a component to VGA converter box might work. If the DVD player has HDMI, and the monitor supports HDCP, you can use an HDMI to DVI cable, or an HDMI cable and DVI to HDMI adapter.
I just set up dual monitors, one LCD and one CRT. I've noticed that my eyes become strained when looking at the LCD. Both are the same and have the exact same settings (resolution, colour quality and hertz). I've also noticed that everything is darker in the LCD, no matter how much I fiddle with the settings of it.Is this the case with all LCDs or is mine just of poor quality?
CRT still usually gives better picture quality. They can support higher refresh rates too, but I'm actually a bit surprised that if the CRT and LCD are both running at the same refresh rate that the LCD would cause more problems. It could be the ultraviolet given off by the fluorescent backlight in the LCD that's bothering you.
Hey all I recently have come across an old Memorex Portable dvd player *model MVDP1072* and after realizeing that most of this thing is fried I decided to make use of the seemingly untouched LCD display here's the issue though. I'm not quite familiar with the physics of these types of monitors. and frankly I dont know if this one inparticularly is takeing a vga'ish input like a pc? or it is a lower frequency model to accept the common component rca jacks. if such a case it would be rather easy to use it for any other purpose once I've isolated the correct wires and reconnected the power considering that it came out of a dvd player to begin with I was hopeing the modification process would be relativly self explanitory. So if anybody could point me some insight it would be greatly appreciated. or websites to research. thanks again!Jeremy
it is all hooked to you power in the DVD player just take it apart
hi allIs there any LCD Monitor with 85MHZ Screen Refresh Rate ??what is the best LCD Monitor for my pc ? , i am planning to buy a new one, and i don't care at all about price,,, just want it perfect clear with small pixels and max Refrest Rate,,,anyone can suggest some ?thanks alot in advace
I don't think there is any that fast because lcd's have a slow response time, meaning they can't clear the pixels that fast anyway. However, since lcd's are slow, you won't see any flicker, but you will probably always see a little blur with fast movement in fast paced gaming.
A CRT Monitor or a LCD Monitor?
I was doing the design work to render images, often hear people say the wrong color LCD display, not suitable for drawing with flat screen. Do you use LCDs for rendering images?
This question can not be generalized, which is good or not?.First, the LCD can render images completely, but the effect of the image is usually not high enough to meet your requirements.Second, not to say that the image of CRT is better than liquid crystal. Generally speaking, the brightness, contrast, color reduction and other indicators of a general CRT display are indeed higher than the average LCD display, which is determined by the principle of its image production. But the effect of high-end professional LCD monitors, absolutely not said. Similarly, low end (low bandwidth or less than 1M) CRT monitors do not meet the requirements of professional image processing.Therefore, only can not affect your work, do not change, and if it does have an impact, it is recommended to change a CRT above the end of the better, high-end LCD dedicated LCD is still relatively expensive.
I was planning on buying a 360 and a VGA HD AV cable to hook up to my monitor. It is an HP w19b, it is widescreen and it runs at 1440x990 max res. I have a couple of questions.1) When I play games, will my monitor give me black bars at the top or bottom?2) If it does, how can i fix it so that it would fill the whole screen?3) What is the max resolution that Halo 3 has?4) Will my monitor stretch out the games when I play them?5) Will the picture look different (in how it is stretched/unstretched) from a 40 INCH LCD FLAT PANEL WIDESCREEN 1080P HD TV?
1). Yes, but only because your monitor is 16:10 and not a true native 16:9. Just select 16:9 aspect ratio and the bars won't be visbile or very unnoticable (depends on monitor). I don't know if the game will automatically play at 720p, you might need to enable it in the dashboard. 2). All games support 16:9 480i, use that setting. It should play in 720p which is 3). Halo 3 supports 480i/480p and 720p (not 1080i) 4). Most games support 16:9 480i/480p or greater and the game resolution will be rendered in 16:9, your monitor might stretch it to 16:10 or just have very small black bars. 5). On a 19 monitor, 720p is very high resolution and the Xbox should not strech the aspect ratio of the image too much. It should look great because LCD monitors have much high pixel densities than LCD TVs. The Monitor might look slightly dim deending on the environment