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What are the advantages of cement tile machine?
A machine multi-purpose, tile mode switch fast, fool-type operation, low power, CNC molding. Unique design, multi-functional hydraulic molding, user-friendly interface operation, advanced and reasonable layout, to fill the gaps in the domestic.
The processing method of the tile machine
Watt plate and tile gap is too large, generally should be 1 ~ 5mm. The gap is too large will make the tile broken, the gap will be bad top tile. The tile tray is raised too fast or jitter. Adjust the corresponding air valve can be.
What steps are required during the installation of the cement tile machine?
Hydraulic station installation: the hydraulic station on the left side of the host 1.5 meters (from front to back), the tubing must be tightened, the cooler connected to the cooling water.
Analysis on the Problems of Cement Shade Machine
Peeling off all the foam, peel off part; follow the construction specifications, do grass-roots waterproof, before the construction of the grass-roots cracks to repair , To ensure that the grass-roots moisture content in line with construction requirements.