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When riding my motorcycle, I usually will slow down using the front and rear brakes, and by downshifting through each gear. I do this in traffic so if a light turns green suddenly I will still be in a gear to accelerate.If I am on an open road and want to stop, can I just pull the clutch lever in and coast instead of downshifting (while using the brakes of course)? Would this damage the clutch at all? I‘ve heard it damages car manuals but I want to see what a motorcycle would be like.
It doesn't hurt either one, car or motorcycle.
i learned that u can brake w/o gear changes in emergencies but do ppl brake like that all the time or only for emergencies? and do u always press the clutch when u brake?
Personally I downshift a LOT, but when I need to Emergency brake I always pull the Clutch in to Disengage the Engine. However most motorcycles have motor drag when you let off the throttle which has a slowing effect. In the state of and Emergency I suggest applying both brakes and Downshifting.
I would like to learn how to ride a motorcycle. The problem is last time I tried, I skidded and fell off twice. Thankfully it was in the grass so I suffered just brusing and mildly skinned arms. So I‘d rather not get on one again. But I was hanging with the relatives last night, and it turns out I‘m the only guy not riding. They could basically start a club/gang. I‘m looking for motivation and inspiration to get on it again. What got ya‘ll riding?
Just for the sake of curiosity, what was your first bike? I first started riding because I was kind of pushed into it but I just wasn't ready at all and I'd had zero training - not even a CBT. I didn't have a clue what I was doing and I wasn't safe at any speed. To give you some idea how totally inept I was, I thought I was supposed to put my feet on the rear pegs and hit the brake on bends and corners. I gave up for a long time after my bike skidded on black ice - no harm done but it scared me. I did the CBT two years later (to ride for another two years on learner plates) and after some p*ss poor training at a local motorcycle training school I took the motorcycle test and failed five times. A couple of years later I got back into it (I had to do yet another CBT!) and trained on a full-size bike (two 650 Nighthawks) at a much better school and took the test again. I failed again but only by a whisker and the examiner told me himself I had just been unlucky so I didn't feel too bad and when I took the test again six weeks later I passed. I only just got back into motorcycling again this year but for the first time ever I'm riding with a degree of confidence and I'm slowly learning how to corner. I'm still slower than just about anyone else on two wheels but I'm making rapid progress and I'm enjoying it. I'm looking forward to the summer weather so I can get out there and spend some quality time in the saddle.
See if you can answer them all:1. What‘s stronger? Drum or Disc brake?2. What are the best racing performance tires?3. What are the best suspensions for the same purpose?4. When I speed up on my motorcycle (40km/h) the whole bike likes to shake and rattle. Why?5. Yamaha R1, CBR1000RR or Ninja 10X-R?6. How do you do leans on a motorcycle? (Like they do in MotoGP) does the tire and road matter?7. Is it okay to do a full lean on a street? Or on sandy roads?8. How to do wheelies with a small cc bike? (150cc)That‘s all, See if you can answer them all :)And thanks to the people who did, these are the questions I ask most
I mean if it still runs then prob not but you might want to get it looked at if it starts making random nosies
A motorcycle and rider have a total mass equal to 300 kg. The rider applies the brakes, causing the motorcycle to accelerate at a rate of -5 m/s2. What is the magnitude of the net force on the motorcycle? ______N
Force mass * acceleration (in this case deceleration) 300 * -5 - 1500 N (Newtons or kg m/s^2)
Well I‘m 14 but wanted to start thinking what type of vehicle I wanted when I turn 16 and I‘m not a car guy--I don‘t dream about them, I don‘t think about them, I just don‘t much care. But I was thinking of trying to get a motorcycle to save gas (seriously, close to 100 mpg ?!?! that is insane!). But I‘ve always been fearful of motorcycles cause they just look more dangerous (I‘m sure flying off motorcycles in GTA doesn‘t help at all lol)
Are motorcycles dangerous? Motorcycles by themselves are completely innocuous. They just sit there looking pretty. Unless you are lying under one when it decides to fall over, they are completely safe. It's the nut behind the bars that has the potential to hurt himself on a motorcycle. Ridden prudently and with the proper safety in mind, they can be fun, economical and safe. Why is a car not dangerous? Name as many people you know who have been injured in an accident involving a car, then name as many people you know who have been injured in an accident involving a motorcycle. You'll likely come up with more people on the car side. That being said, if you crash a motorcycle you are more likely to be injured than if you crash a car. The operative word there again is YOU, not the car or the motorcycle. Cars and motorcycles don't crash. People crash cars and motorcycles. England has some form of graduated training for motorcycles. The training is much better there than in the states. Go get your license, listen to the training, practice and ride.
I was driving my motorcycle yesterday a car cut me off I hit my brakes went into a fishtails then flipped over bike two times I was ok I went home now next day I have severe pain in my rib area when I lift my arm it hurts or even breath heavy if I move I‘m out of breath fast what should I do
Go to the hospital and get checked out.
Today after I stopped for gas on my Suzuki Bandit 600, the front brakes locked up. After driving home with this condition the calipers were smoking, only way I could get the motorcycle home. I need some advice on what would cause this problem and what to look out for? I also took off the calipers and the cylinders seemed to compress without difficulty. I also inspected the master cylinder and it seemed to be pumping fine. One thing I noticed was that the left front rotor seemed to be slightly warped, but that could be due to the brakes being locked and me riding it home. Also I have never had any prior brake problems and they were working correctly the day before.
aluminum is probably being replaced with plastic and composite materials in such things as airplane bodies and equipment housing. copper's main use is in wiring, and there is no replacement for it (yet)