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Why the fuse resistance is large
And because it has a certain heat and quality, the increase in heat is reflected in the temperature rise, when the temperature rose to the fuse above the melting point of the fuse occurred when the fuse
Where the induction cooker fuse is located
one-time over-voltage protection components, only a moment into the high voltage, such as 380V, or lightning, the general situation is very bad chance of bad
What is the melt of the fuse?
hot inertia Melt heating time constant is very large, melting is very slow, generally made of lead as the main material of the melt.
Why is there a diode icon on the fuse?
The light-emitting diodes connected to both ends of the FU are illuminated to indicate that the fuse has been blown.
Can the fuse be connected to the zero line?
The possible cause of the voltage below 220V is that the line you are using is the end!
Selection of melt rated current
There are some equipment starting current is very large, but the start time is very short, so the protection of these devices to meet the needs of the equipment to meet the needs of the operation of the fuse required to start the motor does not fuse
Fuse F5AL250V said what
it is possible to burn the circuit or even cause a fire.
Where can the fuse be used?
When the circuit fails or abnormal, accompanied by rising current, and the rising current may damage some important devices in the circuit or expensive devices