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Is the inorganic salt the same as the saline?
Inorganic salts are inorganic compounds in the tears, originally called minerals. A large number of elements are calcium Ca, phosphorus P, potassium Ka, sulfur S, sodium Na, chlorine Cl, magnesium Mg, trace elements iron, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, fluorine , Chromium, cobalt, iodine and the like.
Elementary is a few years of course
Elementary is the first three years of chemistry
Milk food rich in nutrition, in addition to containing a variety of inorganic salts which also contain three types of organic energy can be organic
Calcium, protein, and vitamins
Is bromine an inorganic salt?
Bromine is an inorganic element & forms salts for e.g.with Sodium to form Sodium bromide. It's a highly corrosive liquid & dangerous to handle. It's made from mother liquor - liquid got after extraction of solar salt from highly cocentrated brine.
Definition of inorganic salts
In addition to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, organic compounds other than organic compounds are collectively referred to as inorganic salts. The inorganic salts required by the human body, according to the content in the body, divided into essential elements (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, , Magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, sodium 11) in the human body content, the need for larger also known as macro elements of the source 2, the rest of the various elements, regardless of content, can be collectively referred to as inorganic salts. More elements such as iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and other elements, other elements such as iron, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, drilling, etc., due to the existence of a small number, and some even trace Known as trace elements, 3, what is the "inorganic salt", the body contains elements in addition to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen three elements mainly in the form of organic matter, the rest of the various elements are in the form of inorganic matter, collectively referred to as inorganic Salts such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, scratch, sulfur and the like
Thank you in detail
Most animal foods are acidic foods. Such as fish, meat, shellfish, rich in protein, protein phosphorus, sulfur concentration is high. Most cereals, some nuts, are acidic foods, which are human energy sources.
A solution is known to contain an inorganic salt of one of the following elements. The solution is colorless. The solution contains a salt ofa. Cub. Mnc. Fed. Nie. Zn
Mn or Zn. Both MnSO4 and ZnSO4 solutions are water-white. KMnO4 is purple. But you did not stipulate.
Would you like some rice when you cooked rice or millet gruel?
But there is a situation, that is, in the boiled polenta, corn paste, the production of Wo Wo first corn products, should add a small amount of alkali. This is because the corn contains niacin is very high, but there are 63% to 74% can not be absorbed by the body combined with niacin, long-term consumption of this corn food may occur niacin deficiency - podular disease: dermatitis , Diarrhea and dementia. Early symptoms include lazy weakness, loss of appetite, chapped lips, tongue swelling and pain. If the disease continues to develop, will make the skin in the sun dermatitis, face, hands and feet skin will appear red, long blisters, peeling, brown pigmentation, rough and wrinkles and other symptoms. In order to avoid this situation, the best way is to add some alkali in the corn food, that is, in the boiled polenta, corn batter, do Wo head, the amount of some alkali. This can make the combination of corn in the release of niacin released into a free niacin, alkali-added corn food generally niacin release rate of up to 37% to 43%, and also save vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, very It is good.