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Did barry find any shovel ready jobs on his tour?
I doubt if there's a single shovel on that bus.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis my Grandfather lived in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) and my Grandmother lived in Salem, (Massachusetts). They said their cities were on alert during the crisis and the Cold War in general but why?Why could the Russians gain from attacking a small mid-Western city and a small coastal town?
well cedar rapids were considered very small priority and was on the list due to bomb silos around the state but not a primary target / salem to kill the witches of course duh!
anyone know if a donut is actually eaten in The Simpsons Movie?
Yeah, at the donut shop after homer dumps the pig crap silo in the lake.
We have a silo of radius R. Somewhere on the circumference, there is a pole with a chain of radius r attached to it. The other end of the chain is keeping Spot the dog from running around randomly. Spot can move around freely, until the chain becomes taught.What is the maximum area of movement Spot can cover? (Note: the chain wraps around the silo for angles greater than 90 degrees in either direction, using the pole as a reference point, which effectively reduces the length of the chain available for Spot to move. The reference point of the arc that spot traces out also seems to move along the circumference of the silo for angles greater than 90 degrees in either direction).
It looks possible, but is a bit of a hefty solution. Needs approaching using polar coordinates. It's possible to find the area covered, but can't accurately calculate the boundary of that area, due to the expressions involved. Can try to type out a full solution, watch this space...
If Dave is standing next to a silo of cross-sectional radius r = 9 feet at the indicated position, his vision will be partially obstructed. Find the portion of the y-axis that Dave cannot see. (Hint: Let a be the x-coordinate of the point where line of sight #1 is tangent to the silo; compute the slope of the line using two points (the tangent point and (12, 0)). On the other hand, compute the slope of line of sight #1 by noting it is perpendicular to a radial line through the tangency point. Set these two calculations of the slope equal and solve for a. Enter your answer using interval notation. Round your answer to three decimal places.) Really confused on this question I dont even know where to start.
You don't need any caluculs to do this problem. Draw the picture.... Unfortunately, the description here doesn't explain everything to solve the problem (where is the center of the silo in x, y space?) I am going to take a guess that it is at the origin. draw a line from Dave to the center of the silo. Draw a line from Dave to his line of sight, and continue it until it hits the y axis.... Draw the radius of the silo along the path from the center to the tangent point. The angle of obscured veiw is then t = acos (9/12) cos t = 3/4 sin t = (1-(3/4)^2) = sqrt (5)/ 4 tan t = sqrt 5 / 3 and the the section of the y axis that is obscured is [-12 tan t, 12 tan t] = [-4 sqrt 5 , 4 sqrt 5 ]
Driving down the 8 west in AZ towards yuma. What are the chrome looking structues we drove by at a farm?
for animal feed silos
There are innumerable unused farm silos scattered all across the USA, probably across the world. Suppose a small radio dish were designed to fit an old silo, and these were installed in silos all over the continent, with appropriate domes over them, then combined into a very large interferometer. I suppose it could also be done with optical telescopes and a somewhat more complicated dome. I realize this would be an expensive project, but would the improved resolution not make it well worth it?Or do I not know what I'm talking about?
Hi. No, you seem to know that the distance between observation points can be used to improve resolution, but silos may not be the best choice. Most are pretty small in diameter. Look at the size of a silo dome compared the the diameter of the individual reflectors of the VLA in New Mexico. I would think that a similar scaled array spread over the planet would work better. And would not be controlled by individual farmers.
I know it's impossible but I'm just asking it for fun, I wanna know what people think
STEP 1: Build missile silos and robotics factories on the moon. STEP 2:Threaten to launch missiles at the Earth unless if the major armies surrender. Then send in robotic army to mop up and take control for me. STEP 2 alternative: If armies refuse to surrender, missiles will be launched at military camps and other tactial spots such as power stations. Robotic army would then be sent in to mop up the remaining military with ease and take control for me.