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how is oil used today in the past and if you have an answer how is it used in the future? and give sites if you can :] thank you!
It's how it was then, now, and I do not see much change for the future. This is about Canada but applys in most of the world as well.
I don't want any Warrior gloves and I liked the Brine Silos. I play LSM and DEF. Price isn't really a problem.
2 best gloves i have ever used are King II and Silo. So if you dont like Warrior, go with the Silos. Silos are awesome gloves!
If you watch both cartoons, at least Beavis and Butthead has a more realisticness to what people think of two complete morons in the world. For example, in the Simpsons movie, why would when Homer was trying to get rid of his own crap in that slio, would he deliberately have Property of Homer Simpson on there, for everyone to see? Even two morons like Beavis and Butthead wouldn't be that ignorant.
First of all you know nothing about the Simpsons or you would not be asking this question. Second, as anyone who has ever watched the show once knows, Homer is a complete idiot. Third, that was not Homer's own crap. It was from the pig. Fourth, Homer put his name on the silo because again he is a complete idiot.
A grain silo has the shape of a right circular cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. If a silo is to be constructed to have a capacity of 2000 cubic feet, then what height and radius of the silo will require the least amount of construction material?So far all i have is 2000 = (4*pi*R^3)#92;6 + pi*R^2*Ythen i solve for Y and get (2000-(4piR^3#92;6))#92;piR^2 without simplifying of course, anyway when i substitute Y in the volume equation i get the only possibility is X = 1, but i was under the inpression there should be more than one possibilities because that would make for a 600 some foot tall silo, plus tells nothing of building material unless i compare the findings to the total areas of other combinations.The silos radius must be equal to the cylinders so im not sure. Thanks.
okay, the problem with your substitution, is that it cancels out all variables. The pi*R^2's cancel out, and so do the other variables, leaving you with 2000 = 2000 The important thing to notice is the least amount of construction material. In mathematical terms for this equation, it means the surface area of the general dome + hemisphere shape (disregard support beams or whatnot that would be used in actual construction) For this problem, the surface area of the silo would be 2piR^2 (hemisphere) + 2piR*Y (cylinder) = A use that information and see if you can come up with a better answer. =)
Find the volume of a farmer's silo. It has a radius of 4 yards & a height of 10 yards. Use 3.14 for (pie)!!!!?
It's been a long time since I was at school, but is it not as simple as: pi x radius squared (gives the area) x (height of )10 = volume in cubic yards. 3.14 x 4(squared) x 10 = v 3.14 x 16 x 10 = v 502.4 = v volume 502.4 cubic yards Does it seem familiar, now?
Does a deactivated missile silo make a good swimming pool?
have you ever seen a missile silo? no.
A grain silo is built from two right circular cones and a right circular cylinder with internal measurements represented by the figure above. Of the following, which is closest to the volume of the grain silo, in cubic feet?a. 1047.2 b. 785.4 c. 261.8 d. 916.3 Isn't it A.1047.2???
Volume of Cone hco = height of cone = 5ft r = radius = 5ft Vco = volume of cone = to be determined Vco = [πr?(hco)] / 3 Vco = 130.8996939ft? Volume of Two Cones 2Vco = 261.7993878ft? Volume of Cylinder hcy = height of cylinder = 10ft r = radius = 5ft Vcy = volume of cylinder = to be determined Vcy = πr?(hcy) Vcy = 785.3981634 Total Volume Vtot = Vcy + 2Vco = 1,047.1976ft? ≈1,047.2ft? The correct answer is option A.
So the rocket will be put into the ground 'cause the space port is in cold climate.But when the fire is lit under the rocket to send it into space will the explosion blow-up the surrounding earth?Is it feasible to have rocket launches from below ground?
Some countries do have silos underground, it doesnt necessarily mean you dig a hole and put it there! There are proper shock proofing within the walls of the bunker to absorbe any sound or heat or other forms of energy which might damage the walls.