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Stainless Steel Hopper Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Stainless Steel Hopper supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Stainless Steel Hopper firm in China.

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Supposedly there are hundreds of these across the United States, which people convert to houses and other things.What i want to know is: are there any in Pennsylvania?
this website says where the ones in Pa are or where. Here's that website for ya.
We merge these roles because: Reducing “skills silos” results in fewer communications gaps, more efficiency, and better outcomes for clients.
it's an attitude found in some organizations that occurs when several departments or groups do not want to share information or knowledge with other individuals.
How to actually get IN the Treasure Room, not how to get the jiggy
Get at least 25 notes then find Jamjars silo, he will teach you how to fire eggs. With your new moove go to treasure chamber building and shoot eggs into mouths of 6 snake statues to open the door.
All I can remember is thinking that all of that grain would now be ruined.
In Witness a guy gets buried in it.
A grain silo has the shape of a right circular cylinder surmounted by a hemisphere. If a silo is to be constructed to have a capacity of 2000 cubic feet, then what height and radius of the silo will require the least amount of construction material?So far all i have is 2000 = (4*pi*R^3)#92;6 + pi*R^2*Ythen i solve for Y and get (2000-(4piR^3#92;6))#92;piR^2 without simplifying of course, anyway when i substitute Y in the volume equation i get the only possibility is X = 1, but i was under the inpression there should be more than one possibilities because that would make for a 600 some foot tall silo, plus tells nothing of building material unless i compare the findings to the total areas of other combinations.The silos radius must be equal to the cylinders so im not sure.I cant figure out if i solved for Y right, so i do volume of spere + volume of cylinder, then solve for y, or just solve it with the cylinder formula, can someone just do this problem for me i give up.
buy a graphing calculator works for me all the time recommend a Ti89 or the advanced Ti91 they are great just plug ecerything in and presto! the answer in readable terms
They were masculine toys. They were tall wishes. They were the ribs of the modern world.'- Rita Dove (b. 1952), U.S. poet and fiction writer. quot;Silos,quot; last paragraph of the prose poem (1989).
What kind of silo is she talking about? If they are storing feed for livestock, think about the place of agriculture in the economy. What kinds of hopes and wishes does a family farm stand for? But I can't quite see the idea of masculine toys in that context, so the next question is: Are they missile silos? Think about how nuclear weapons shaped the modern world. Think about capitalist and communist wishes for the world. In that context, the toys make sense. It's pretty common to talk about machines, esp. cars, guns, etc. as toys for men. The only difference between men and boys is the size and expense of their toys. Checking against the poem, it is probably farm silos - they're the ones that smell, that look like fat chalk or pan pipes - but the use of martial hints at the alternative. This is a really ambivalent poem. Just jazz around with what you think the images imply. Silos Like martial swans in spring paraded against the city sky’s shabby blue, they were always too white and suddenly there. They were never fingers, never xylophones, although once a stranger said they put him in mind of Pan’s pipes and all the lost songs of Greece. But to the townspeople they were like cigarettes, the smell chewy and bitter like a field shorn of milkweed, or beer brewing, or a fingernail scorched over a flame. No, no, exclaimed the children. They’re a fresh packet of chalk, dreading math work. They were masculine toys. They were tall wishes. They were the ribs of the modern world.*
I heard that in the movie quot;The Day Afterquot; (1982).
It means the producers were too cheap to hire technical consultants that new wtf they were talking about!
you guys help me to draw the picture of this exerice thanks a a lot
*Go through the following link deeply and see the figure