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No, solar panels do not necessarily require a battery for storage. While batteries can be used to store excess energy produced by solar panels for later use, it is not a mandatory component. Solar panels can also be directly connected to the electrical grid, allowing the excess energy to be fed back into the grid and credited to the owner.
No, there are no noise concerns with solar panels as they do not produce any sound while generating electricity.
i was looking into making solar panels to reduce my electric bill, but i need to know how to actually hook it up.
most of the listings are there to get you to send 'em money. some promise a refund if they don't work. good luck getting your money back. it's not going to happen. last, the inverter, and control to feed power back into the grid are expensive. the utility gets to control what you can use, and most often you have to buy it from them. in Calif, the utility has an interest in good solar installations. they provide power during the time of peak demand, so the utility does not have to build/buy the last, most expensive kilowatt. however, (A) any installation that will be at all useful is large, and expensive, and (B) as with all electronics, next year will be better. i'll probably do it. but not yet.
Im looking at making a self build iPad solar panel charger, Is it possible to get a small solar panel, a battery to hold charge and then a USB output? nothing fancy, just power in and power out?
Sure it is possible. There are even commercial products that do that. I have a solar cell phone charger. But it is not able to fully charge the phone battery. I am not sure why but I suspect the voltage it puts out is too low. In other words, it is a poor design. It is certainly possible to make a better design, but maybe not easy. You can damage a battery by over charging it, so just increasing the voltage is not the solution. You need just the right voltage and current.
Do they really save energy? Cut or almost eliminate your electricity bill, if so, how much?Do they have a reserve unit to save electricity that I don't use, to use when the sun is not out?Can it produce enough electricity to cool a house and keep lights and appliances runningLastly, how much are the panels are running for.
You need an expert to tell you what the best solar panels are, in any case there is a gigantic outlay initially, each solar panel when I bought mine was around $ 600. I only had the two for my caravan, along with two heavy duty deep cycle batteries, they are able to discharge very low without damage to them, I have a small inverter which gives me 000 watts pure sine wave 240 volt. With my small set up I can use a micro wave oven and bread making machine as well as running power tools radio and television. Lighting can be efficient on ordinary 2 volt dc.They are far better than wind power I have tried that as a back up but I found it a waste of time and money most of the time. If you are connected to the mains power any power you don't use can be sold to the power supplier. With the really serious set up you can do anything with your power that you can do with the power suppliers. I set this of mine up to get away from the petrol generaters, I have had my panels for about 5 years and they are putting out the same wattage that they were when I bought them. I have not gone in for it seriously but I was told by someone that their mother had set up a system for $4,OOO and she received a grant of the same amount from the government and she sold her surplus power to the local power supplier. Incidentally I live in Western Australia.
We see increasing, what appear to be, solar panels on electric poles?
I work in NJ and we started seeing them around our industrial park. I think it's probably some scam for the most part. Each panel isn't going to put out more than a few volts. Because they are so widely distributed about the only thing they might be good for is lighting a sodium bulb or something. A much more effective use if it was a serious / more efficient/effectively designed project, we'd probably be seeing farms of panels going up all over the place and on the tops of big-box buildings, but I'm not seeing alot of that.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on airports. In fact, many airports around the world have already embraced solar energy to meet their power needs and reduce their carbon footprint. These panels are typically installed on rooftops, parking structures, or vacant land within the airport premises. The use of solar panels in airports not only helps generate clean and renewable energy but also contributes to cost savings and long-term sustainability.
If I put a 5000 watt solar panel kit on my roof in Dublin (Ireland) - how much electricity would I realistically expect to get?An educated guess at a percentage of 5000w would do.
This is dependent on sun angle, clear sky, shadow interference, clouds, etc. First if you purchased the PV panels and they are rated for 5 kW, the factory rating is based on a particular incident energy, 000 watts/square meter, 25 degrees C and an AM of .5, reaching the panels. It is more likely that you will not obtain this same level in the open air. If we assume you will get 80%, then the maximum kW would be closer to 4kW. This will be produced during peak, clear days with the panels placed perpendicular to the sun at all times during peak radiance times. When the sun first comes up and later when it is going down, there will be more than the thickness of .5 atmospheres between you and the sun, so the radiant energy hitting the solar panels drops off. Total energy is watts time hours. I would expect you PV system to produce about 750 kW-Hr of energy during a clear summer day at peak solar height. Hope this helps, NewtonLaw