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What is the waterproof layer and the waterproof cushion in the tile roof?
Waterproof layer: set in the tile or metal sheet below, from the waterproof, moisture-proof structure of the layer. The waterproof cushion plays an important role in the tile surface, because the "tile" itself can not be counted as a waterproof material, only tile and waterproof cushion combination to form a waterproof fortification.
Is it possible to make a waterproof layer
2, waterproof layer: In order to prevent the rain into the roof, groundwater into the wall, basement and underground structures, indoor water into the floor and walls and other materials layer.
Is the raft cushion waterproofing full of the cushion?
As for the bottom of the bar thickness of the protective layer is generally 4cm, but if the basic floor of the concrete label is relatively high, the protective layer can be appropriately reduced.
Can the cushion on the prefabricated board floor be dug?
1, can not be dug, the prefabricated board seam is too big. 2, in addition, now rarely used prefabricated panels, the earthquake effect is not good; especially after the Wenchuan earthquake. If it is cast-in-place floor, you can dig out.
Large area ground concrete cushion seam Why is the separation of joints generally concrete
First, the rigid waterproof layer in a large area of ??construction, by the external force, temperature, humidity changes, structural layer deformation and other factors prone to cracking, leading to leakage, the design should consider the deformation of the waterproof layer to take the necessary Structural or structural measures to avoid and mitigate the cracking of the waterproofing layer to achieve the desired waterproofing effect.
Do you need a cushion on the ground floor?
Chalet recommended to do sloping roof, the lowest point suggested 2.4. Talk about the ground, the roof, the wall area divided by the length of your board length and width of the area can be calculated on the amount of it!
How to build a fine stone concrete cushion?
The main role of the cushion is to meet the requirements of the design elevation. In addition, the cushion to meet the sound insulation, insulation, insulation, slope and buried pipeline and other functional requirements and set a variety of levels.
The cushion is usually in the housing which parts
First of all, the foundation refers to the basis of the ground below, the cushion is generally below the base, the base should be there, if the sewage treatment station, then you look at the sewage pool, the bottom of the pool should also have it