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For what purpose, using what source? Piping buried under ground, about 3 to 5 feet is a great way to improve the efficiency of a heat pump. This is considered to be geothermal heat. If you mean heat from a steam or hot water spring, such as we have here in northern California/Nevada, then the user either uses a heat exchanger at the source, or pipes the steam or hot water to the point of use. It gets messy due to the chemicals in the water or steam. That said, if you are running a power plant with it, and most of your income from it is profit, then the losses of equipment and waste disposal are out weighed by the money being earned.
Hi there, I am completely stuck on this question! Help Please!A heat exchanger has an outside diameter of 1.0M and overall length of 5.0M and is made from 20mm thick material.There are 36 refrigerant tubes, each 42mm outside diameter running the length of the heat exchanger.Calculate the weight of water held in this exchanger.Note: The density of water is 1000kg/m^3Thanks!
Volume of heat-exchanger = pi(1/2)^2 * 5 = 3.927 M^3 1-tube volume = pi(0.042/2)^2 * 5 = 0.00693 M^3 36-tubes volume = 36*0.00693 = 0.2494 M^3 Volume of water = 3.927 - 0.2494 = 3.6776 M^3 Density of water = 1000 kg/m^3 Mass of water = 3.6776 * 1000 = 3677.6 kg >=======< ANSWER
is an evaporator coil and heat exchanger the same thing?
In my opinion it is the same thing. A heat exchanger is a device built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another. The media may be separated by a solid wall, so that they never mix, or they may be in direct contact. They are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power plants, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, and natural gas processing. One common example of a heat exchanger is the radiator in a car, in which the heat source, being a hot engine-cooling fluid, water, transfers heat to air flowing through the radiator (i.e. the heat transfer medium).
Are there any differences is performance letting the hot fluid flow thru the inner pipe and the cold fluid thru the annulus and vice versa??
they're an economic determination for small exchangers that would desire to easily require some accepted tubes. they're additionally a sturdy determination for smaller intense tension applications. the alternative is often one in keeping with economics. there is not any rule that determines the determination technique.
When i turned on the heat it blows cool air, where should i check first heat exchanger or electrical?
I agree with the other posters. Check your coolant and replace the thermostat with correct OEM temperature if you haven't changed it in a while. I always change the thermostat when I change coolant. In my case, the heater core was clogged when the water pump failed. The later model Rangers like yours have a heater control valve that can go bad. Good luck.
my lap top over heats when im burning movies and heres the thing i have a cooling pad wuts wrong with it its an AMD altholon 64x2 TK-57 ive never had this prob before with a laptop i just bought this one its an HP DV6700 it dose not over heat while playing games or rugular use just burning movies i use Nero 7 Ultra Edition
Maybe it just takes forever to burn... so heats up. So it could be the duration of the time you burn the movies. If its not the extensive time it takes, then there could be something wrong with the laptop so I reckon you should return it and get a refund!! Good luck.
A preliminary design study is to be carried out on an oil-oil heat exchanger with the following specification:Cold Fluid: mass flow rate = 64 tons/hr, heat capacity = 2612 J/kg K, in temp = 171.5 C, out temp = 239 CHot Fluid: mass flow rate = 28.8 tons/hr, heat capacity = 2612 J/kg K, in temp = 340 C, out temp = ?If the overall coefficient of heat exchange U = 502 W/m2K, calculate the heat exchange surface area required for a simple counter flow.
Q = U * A * dTlm Calculate the heat gained by the cold side, Q = mass * specific heat * temperature change Assuming no heat losses to the surroundings which is a typical assumption, calculate the outlet temperature of the hot side using the same equation as you used for the cold side. Now you can calculate the log mean temperature difference dTlm. Use the first equation to solve for the area.
Describe, in words, the thermodynamic cycle incorporating the phase change from a liquid to a gas, and how it has been used commercially to either heat or cool homes and buildings...this is also called a heat pump.
the respond on your question is a), the seasons have no longer something to do with geothermal capability and have no longer something to do with what they run on; finally they seem to be an prompt resource of capability. I even have these days used this capability in my abode and that i've got saved thousands of poudns in capability expenditures. the placement to start studying approximately it somewhat is to get a stable e-e book, My resource will take you there. wish this helps.