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Is it safe to hang a decorative curtain in front of a wall vent?
has long as it dos not completely seal the vent you should be cool inless it is electric and it will suck the curtain over the vent if you know what i mean
Can we elaborate on the project time node from the tender to the completion of the curtain project in the whole project
Curtain wall project bidding can be carried out at different time nodes: ① If the curtain wall of a separate tender, the main structure can be completed, the funds in place curtain wall construction tender. ② if the project for the general contractor. Can be included in the general contract contract glass curtain wall construction, so that when the tender in the entire project included in which do not need a separate tender. Because in some places the provisions, even if the same project, not included in the general contract in a one-time completion, you need to separate project for the curtain wall project, and then tender. (This procedure is more trouble)
how to do this (curtain thing on wall)?
First of all. my job is making curtains and soft furnishings. From what I see here you coud use 3 way curtain tape on your curtains (Most curtains are like this, they have 3 pockets vertically where you have the choice to put you hooks) and DRAW the strings and arrange them as the pic and attach to a curtain rail as you would a curtain rail on your window. Alternatively you could have curtains with metal looking eyelet holes and hang them on a pole (not the same as picture but lookin cool just the same) Lovely idea btw
I want to separate a part of my room with curtains but my one wall has a curve to it. How would I go about doing this?
Also put hooks on your curtains and Curtain rings on the Conduit to hang your curtains.
I am an architecture student. Does anyone know from where can i get info as regard specification of thickness of curtain wall, especially when used in relation to RC frames? Thanks
[Standard Guide for Evaluation of Exterior Building Wall Materials, Products, and Systems]
I want to put curtains behind my headboard, my comforter is chocolate brown, and my walls are light yellow. I want to use blues with the brown, but im not sure what color the curtains should be. I thought if i go with brown it would be too much brown. What do you think?
Use alternating blue & brown curtains (sheers) behind your headboard. Get blue sheets & pillowcases, patterned blue & brown decorative pillows for the bed. Sew yellow buttons on the pillows. Do a foot comforter folded at the end of the bed in blue & sew yellow buttons all along the top of the comforter. If you get an unfinished rod for the curtain, you could paint it yellow. Blue, yellow & brown go well together. repeat all those colors in candles & lamps, etc. I think it would look cool.
I would like to ask, calculate the amount of glass curtain wall works, the main material is probably what ah, the common and I talk like, thank you!
Glass curtain wall mainly steel embedded parts, aluminum, may also need to use steel. The specific depends on the form of curtain wall.
So our living room has a light brown couch, some oak, and lime green walls...we want new curtains cus our old ones were ugly ;P they were wooden blinds ... please let me know soon were about to go buy them in an hour !!!
I know, I'm a little late on this, but for the curtains I would go with a peach color or a tan. It matters what you kind of a look you are going for. But a peach would be my pick. Good Luck!