Stainless Steel Trash Bin

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What kind of kitchen garbage cans
The kitchen garbage can choose stainless steel and bamboo material.Currently on the market some trash because the plastic material source is not clear, may have some radioactive substances or harmful volatile substances, there are also some problems, and stainless steel and bamboo not only have this kind of problem, easy cleaning. In addition, a small trash can encourage people to dump the garbage, shortening the time of breeding bacteria.
Is there any difference between the trash and the wastebasket?
Some trash can contain a lot of things
What kind of trash can?
Domestic waste can generally be divided into four categories: recyclable waste, kitchen waste, hazardous waste and other waste. At present, the main methods of waste disposal are comprehensive utilization, sanitary landfill, incineration and composting.Recyclable garbage including paper, metal, plastic, glass, etc., through a comprehensive recycling, can reduce pollution and save resources. As per recycling 1 tons of waste paper can be made of paper 850 kilograms, wood saving 300 kg, 74% less than the amount of pollution per production; recycling 1 tons of plastic beverage bottles can get 0.7 tons of two grade raw materials; each recycling 1 tons of scrap iron and steel smelting steel can be 0.9 tons, compared with ore smelting cost saving 47%, reduce air pollution dye 75%, reduce water pollution and solid waste 97%.Kitchen garbage, including leftovers, bones, such as cabbages leaves food waste, bio technology in-situ treatment by composting, to produce 0.3 tons per ton of organic fertilizer.Hazardous waste, including waste batteries, waste fluorescent tubes, waste mercury thermometer, expired drugs, these waste requires special safety.In addition, ceramic tile Other Waste including outside the several types of waste residues, toilet paper can not be recycled to sanitary landfill can effectively reduce the surface water and groundwater, soil and air pollution.
Our district is a 32 storey high-rise buildings, the property only placed a trash on each floor of the downstairs space, no matter where you live one layer, each household has to take a unified garbage downstairs, property companies should not waste disposal are set on each floor of the Fang MaI'm sorry, the title is wrong, oh, is to ask the property in the high-rise residential buildings are placed in a unified collection of garbage everywhere, or just placed in each downstairs can be a
This problem I did not helpless, we are the same district. This need to negotiate with the property, there is no other way.
QQ music radio song thrown into the trash how to find back
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Classification of bins:Yellow: recyclable waste; green: non recyclable waste; red: toxic and hazardous waste.Do you have a black trash bin or a gray, black trash bin?
There is no black trash can
Living room can be placed two trash
The trash is small but also to put in the right place, in addition to the imperial position, trash in other locations, will bring adverse effects to be particularly careful when the device. At the same time to pay attention to the size of the trash, with no cover, etc.. Anything, you pay attention to the right, then you will always be in good luck, otherwise, no matter the attitude is likely to be bad luck to attack you, delicate!
Iphone5 how to delete the photo album? The trash bin is not displayed below the photo
Not a recent photo. That seems to be.